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February 17, 2020

Victoria island, Lagos, Nigeria.

The both of us looked down at the remains of the remote. I heard Lara mumble incoherent words in her sleep. The leather of the chair he slept on rustled as she adjusted her position.

Just for a moment, I was back to last week, when I wasn't seeing dead people come back to life. When I was too busy playing hide and seek with Lara. Suddenly, even work seemed like a better idea.

I shut my eyes, muttering silent prayers.

Maybe I'd done something to Bukola when she was alive and that was why I was dreaming about her.

Yes, I was dreaming. This was all a horrible nightm-

Bukola's laughter rang in the air. It wasn't evil like the–mwahahahahalaughter that witches used in movies. It was more human, more soft and alluring.

More like Bukola's laughter.

I wondered if maybe, just maybe, she hadn't died and Yemi and I had identified the wrong person. That could happen, right? I mean, humans are prone to mistakes after all.


My attention went to her, to the smile she was currently wearing. She took a step forward suddenly, causing me to step back on impulse.

She laughed, shaking her head at me. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought there was a hint of admiration in her eyes as she did so. "I'm not here to hurt you, Jacob."

"I can't believe you're here," I blurted out in one breath, heart pounding against my ribcage. Slowly and deliberately, I straightened my posture.

"I know," Bukola said. "I couldn't believe I was back either, but it happened and here I am."

Almost like I was hypnotized, I took a step towards her. A sense of coldness suddenly hit me, causing goosebumps to rise up on my arms. I ignored the sensation and put my hand out to touch her, to satisfy my gut. To know if she was real.

She pulled away at the last minute, eyes wide. "What are you trying to do?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "I can't believe you're here," I repeated, still in a daze. "Yemi was right. I am loosing my mind."

I turned around sharply, bumping my knee against the center table in the process. The noise made Lara open her eyes.

I froze.

They fluttered back closed.

"Who is she?" Bukola asked behind me, voice raising. "And why is she at your house?"

I winced, casting a glance to Lara who was still asleep. "Please lower your voice, I don't want to wake her."

Bukola raised her eyebrows, giving me a look of unbelief. "You've replaced me already?" Again, she raised her voice. I shushed her.

"You died, Bukola." After watching her expression turn from shocked to completely annoyed, I exhaled. This was unreal. "It was difficult, but I had to move on. Lara helped me do that."

"You love me," She seethed, approaching me with deliberate steps. "You were going to propose!"

"I didn't get the chance!" I snapped back at her. "I didn't get the chance to do that because I watched the mall crash with you in it. If you're real and you're here, then I'm sure we can talk and straighten everything out. I watched them bury you. It was devastating for me but then there was her. Lara makes me happy."

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