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February 22, 2020.
Victoria island, Lagos.

"That was stupid, Yemi." Amusement swirled in Bukola's eyes as she spoke. Yemi stepped back, like he'd been shoved by an invisible force. "You don't shoot ghosts."

"You're really a ghost," Yemi choked out. If he wasn't almost as dark as night, he would have probably gone white in the face. Instead, he visibly exhaled, looking up at the gun hovering over him. His knees shook.

Bukola sighed, shaking her head disapprovingly and letting dropping the gun to the floor without even moving a finger. I felt my shoulders relax and a relived breath leave my lungs. Lara too exhaled.

Looking to the car, remembering what Bukola had done—how she'd started it without using the keys—I realized something: running away from a ghost wasn't possible.

Don't do anything stupid.

I frowned at the voice of Stephan that refused to leave my head. It was like he was here, taunting me with that smile of his.

Bukola waved a hand in the air, snapping me out of my thoughts. She slapped her hands together and stared at me. "You should have listened to me, my love. You should have sent her away when I have you the offer."

"I'm not leaving him! Go back to where you came from because you're not wanted here," Lara piped up, sneering at Bukola.

She laughed in reply, watching Lara with a raised brow. "The second I know what I'm capable of doing and how to control it all, I'm shutting you up for good."

Lara's eyes widened. I pulled her back, shaking my head at her.

"You don't want to hurt me, Bukola," I reminded her. She just shrugged.

"I want to hurt her, not you of course."

"You're going to hurt me if you hurt her." I was taking a bold step here, pulling out the emotion card. Hopefully, ghosts had emotions. "You don't want that."

She considered it for a moment, gaze softening considerably. "You're right. I don't want to hurt you. But, all you've done since I got back is hurt me. How do you think it makes me feel seeing you move on with her?"

"Was he supposed to wait for your resurrection?" Lara snapped, glaring at Bukola. I shushed her and pulled her back again.

"It's okay, I have this under control—"

"No, you don't!" Bukola spat. "I can't believe you'd even want her. Your taste is beginning to fade, I see."

"You won't talk about kara like that. I love h—"

"Oh, shut up!" She covered her ears like my words were piercing them. "You used to love me. You might not now, but you will eventually learn to. We'll be just like we were before," she gushed.

I felt Lara's hand slip into my pocket and fumble around, making me tense slightly. I turned to face her. "What are you doing?"

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