My spot in the locker room was next to a guy named Mike Eruzione and Rob McClanahan. Not going to lie, I thought Rob was pretty cute, but it's not like a had a crush or anything. That is not what I cam here for. Rob had brown-black hair that was sort of slicked back, but not at the same time. It fell just before his shoulders. He had beautiful brown eyes that someone could probably stare into for hours, but not me. Again that's not why I am here. I can think someone is cute without having a crush on them. That's perfectly normal.

"By the way," Rob said, "Base layer under the clothes, very smart move Y/N"

I guess he doesn't mind having a girl try out for the same team. Most guys hated the fact they had to play with a girl, but then I go out on the ice and kick their ass.

"Thanks, oh and you can call me Y/N/N if you want." I say.

"That's your nickname? I like it." He says with a smile, "You can call me Mac."

Wow that's the best smile I have ever seen in my life. Perfect straight, white teeth. No. No I can't think like that right now. Sure he's hot but again, I do not have a crush on this guy. Besides I just met him 2 minutes ago. I know nothing about him.

Mike, Mac, and I continued to talk while we got dressed. When I finished I got up to go meet Josh and Andrew, but I overheard Eruzione say this,

"Man she was cute, don't you think Rob?"

"Yeah she sure was, dang." He replied.

I smiled to myself, but I quickly brushed it off because I needed to focus. Once I cleared my mind, I met Josh and Andrew by the rink, and we all skated in circles like in pregame until we were told what to do.

"You ready Y/N?" Josh asks.

"Yeah I think so. I mean we've trained so hard for this, so I have to be."

"Well good luck Y/N/N, this is a big day for you. If you succeed you could make history." Andrew says.

"Thanks guys." I say.

After a little while longer of skating, we were finally given some drills to do. The first was speed, which was simple, and I easily kept up. Most of the guys were shocked whispering as I skated by. After each drill, Andrew, Josh, and I would do our signature glove bump, which really kept my adrenaline levels high.

Next we did a drill that I did when I was a kid. I like to call it 'steal the bacon'. Basically what happens is two players get on the goal on and wait for someone to throw out a puck. Then you would try to get it and score before the other player. I actually quite enjoyed it as I crushed everyone that I went against.

After a few more simple technique drills, we came down to a final shooting drill, which combined all the skills. It was pretty complicated, but I got the hang of it quickly.

During the drill, I guess I did a nice move on my opponent, and one of the people on the advisory board banged on the glass to get my attention. He twirled his finger in a circle wanting me to turn around, so he could see my name and number."

"L/N is it?" He said.

"Yes sir."

"Thank you."

I skated to the next line with a smirk on my face, and when I looked up I made eye contact with Mac. He nodded at me because of the man from the advisory board that noticed me. He also happened to be in the line in which I needed to be.

"Nice job out there, you're fantastic." Mac said.

"Oh really? So you were watching me the whole time?" I said jokingly.

Do You Believe in Miracles? (Rob McClanahan x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя