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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. During the night I had apparently snuggled up to Chan who was now grumpily groaning in my arms. He looked awful, his dark circles were very prominent and you could tell just by looking at him that he had a bad headache.

I turned off my alarm and slowly pulled my arm out of underneath Chan, trying my hardest not to disturb him too much. I got out of bed and looked to Changbin who also looked like he had been hit by a truck. They were the two that had drunk the most last night.

My head hurt a bit but not too much. I hadn't drunk much last night but everything was super fuzzy. I couldn't remember anything from last night aside from laughing a lot and the fact that we played truth or dare, the rest was extremely vague. I felt like there was something important I was missing but whatever it was I had completely blocked it out. 

I shuffled to the kitchen, giving up on the thought. Chan, Changbin, and maybe some others could probably benefit from some pear juice to relieve their hangovers. Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin were sitting at the dining table, groggily looking at each other while spooning at their cereal. 

I smiled as they all looked up at me in unison, waving my hands, "Goodmorning, how are you guys feeling?" I asked, walking to the fridge and kneeling to look for the juice.

They all responded with a groan, "Seungmin's alarm went off and scared me off my bed then Minho started making fun of me." Hyunjin whined.

I grabbed as many bottles as I could and carried them to the table, laughing at Hyunjin, "Here, drink this it might help you wake up a bit." I handed them each one, and Seungmin chugged his immediately.

Jeongin handed his back to me, "I don't need it I feel fine." He started, shrugging, "But Minho and Jisung might appreciate it. Minho seems cranky and Jisung was still completely out even after I tackled him earlier. He was also up almost all night as well." Jeongin looked extremely tired.

I nodded, "Yeah ok, I need to bring some for Chan and Binnie, Chan fell asleep in my bed and isn't looking too good right now. I'll just check on them as well thanks for telling me." I smiled, "Jeongin do you want some coffee?"

"Oh, sure! I can make it myself though don't worry." He got up and went to the counter, getting a cup from the sink. 

I nodded then grabbed four bottles of pear juice, walking back to our rooms quickly. I carefully woke up both Chan and Changbin, handing them their bottles and watching them drink slowly. Chan, even while sitting up, had his eyes almost completely closed. He really let himself go last night.

"Thank you Lixie, you really didn't have to do that." Changbin said, standing up and giving me a hug. 

I shrugged, "I hate seeing you guys in such bad shape, it makes me feel down." I said truthfully.

Chan ruffled my hair, "Well then I'll try not to get like this again." He smiled at me.

I smiled back, Chan was like a big brother to me. He always listened to what I was saying and made an effort to make me comfortable. I admire him for that. Everyone was always comfortable with him and as the leader of the band, he always took care of us when we weren't in the brightest places.

Honestly, I felt this way about every member of our band. They were like family to me.

Chan and Changbin began to tease each other over how they had taken it too far last night. I took this as an opportunity to leave, slinking out of the room before they got loud.

I knocked on the door to Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Minho's shared room, and chuckled as I heard a muffled groan from inside, followed shortly by a loud thump. I opened the door and peeked my head in. Minho had gotten tangled in his blanket and fell off his bed. Thank god he didn't have a top bunk.

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