On Break

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We were all together for the first time in a week and a half, the dorms were almost always empty due to photoshoots and practicing. Hyunjin and I had done our last photoshoot for a popular magazine earlier today but it was finally over.

Now we were all sitting together, laughing and smiling at dumb jokes provided by none other than Jisung, Jeongin, and Changbin. I had attached myself to Chan's arm and my head was resting on his uncovered shoulder, his shoulder bone digging slightly into my cheek. This felt nice, and I have to admit that I felt more comfortable in this moment than I had for a while, there were no cameras, no one here to judge us. I felt safe.

Minho had gotten sick of Jisung's endless chatter, tackling the younger to the ground and sitting on him while Jisung screamed in protest. Hyunjin stood up dramatically, pointing down at the two then shouted "Throw these two out!" 

Jisung turned to him with fake hatred and whined, "Hyunjinie~ don't be so cruel" He grunted as he pushed a salty Minho off of him and stood to face the long-haired male, "What have I ever done to insult you?" He cried out.

Hyunjin looked blankly at him for a second, trying to grasp at something to make us all laugh, he then turned away from Jisung, plugging his nose and sticking his other hand out to push him away, "You smell of nuts, and your looks resemble that of a squirrel." He dramatically fell to the floor, pretending to sob, "And I lost my great auntie to a peanut allergy..."

Everyone burst out laughing, Hyunjin wasn't exactly trying to be funny but the attempts that he made were definitely not in vain. We all loved him. 

Jisung looked away, faking a pained expression. "Fine then, I see how it is." His voice wavered, "I shall not show myself in your presence again..." He sulked away from Hyunjin and crashed next to me on the couch, causing me to lean towards him due to the new weight on his side. He grabbed onto me and pouted, "I'll just take Lixie instead, I like him more anyways." 

Chan looked uncomfortable at the lack of warmth on his shoulder since I had been moved.

Hyunjin looked up at Jisung, "Nonononono," He started, getting up quickly, grabbing my hand, "You must not touch him, you will expose him to you squirrel-like tendencies" He pulled on my arm as Jisung squeezed my abdomen tightly, depriving my body of oxygen.

Chan sighed, standing up and separating Hyunjin's hand from mine, "That's enough guys, we don't wanna break him, we need him in one piece so he can perform." Hyunjin pouted, crossing his arms like a child. "I have to make a phone call, so please try and calm down in the meantime ok?" 

<<*time skip*>>

After everyone had finally calmed down and Chan had disappeared into the kitchen never to be seen again, Seungmin looked to the cameras, sighing in relief that the red dot in the center was not blinking. I felt like all of us were this way, it was nice to have videos for STAYs to enjoy and laugh at but constantly being on tape was stressful. No slip-ups were allowed and we weren't allowed to get personal, which after a while bothered me a bit.

Seungmin leaned forward, his smiled bright, "It's been a while since we've played truth or dare." He stated, his smile turning into a grin, "I don't know about you guys, but I feel like since we have some free time we might as well have fun."

I looked around, everyone's face was a mixture of agreement and resentment, truth or dare off-camera was always extremely awkward and heated, but it was still enjoyable. I nodded my head, "I'm up for it!" I said, a smile forming on my lips, one far too big to try and hide.

Everyone agreed, clapping their hands and cheering. Chan excitedly walked in a moment later, holding a pack of party cups and a bottle of alcohol, his face was bright. "I just got off the phone with JYP," everyone looked at him with confusion, they hadn't drunk in a long time due to JYP's restrictions, so where had Chan gotten that from?

"And with a decent amount of my expert persuading..." He sat down the bottle and cups, not missing the opportunity to praise himself, "I got him to lay off and let us have a couple of drinks for the night." He said, bowing as Jisung, Jeongin, and Minho started applauding.

Changbin looked amazed, "And how did you manage that? I'd imagine he'd want your head on a silver platter for even suggesting it!" 

Chan dramatically shrugged, laughing a bit, "I honestly don't know, he might've felt intimidated." 

I laughed, "Sureee" I said, mocking him, "You're about as intimidating as the fly I stepped on earlier." Jisung liked this remark and stood up, trying to hype me up with a number of loud roars and claps. 

Chan pretended to be in pain, grabbing his shirt above his heart and wincing, "That's not true man, I'm easily the scariest person you've met, right?" He said, getting close to my face with the sternest face he could make, then broke, laughing hysterically. 

I let out a tired sigh, we hadn't even started drinking but everyone was already a mess.


My ribs hurt from laughing and I felt exhausted but the night was far from over so I did my best to push the feeling away. I missed interactions with our group as a whole, we always had way too much fun.

I plopped down next to Felix again, feeling myself smile as he leaned onto me, Felix was always so sweet and gentle, and just his touch was enough to make me feel revived. I missed him.

Chan passed out drinks, hesitating to give one to Jeongin, forgetting that he was now 20 and the legal age to drink in South Korea. "Our baby I.N. has grown so much..." He said, pretending to be a proud father, "Since this is your first time drinking, you may only have one." He continued, smiling devilishly. 

"Oh come on old mann" Jeongin whined, "I remember Felix getting so drunk that he passed out on his 20th birthday."

"First off, this isn't your birthday celebration it's just a regular night, and second off, I was only supposed to have one drink but Jisung had also spiked the punch. It wasn't my fault!" Felix said in a mixture of a playful and defending tone. 

I laughed, ruffling Felix's hair playfully, "Oh yeah I remember that! Since our birthdays are only a day apart we shared a celebration and I was angry that we only got one drink so while Chan was preoccupied with trying to stop a tipsy Hyunjin from giving Jeongin a lap dance I spiked the punch. You really can't hold your alcohol well." I teased, blushing slightly at the annoyed face Felix made in return.

Jeongin pouted, "Fineee, just keep Hyunjin away from me I don't really want to be assaulted again." He laughed, nudging Hyunjin who whined in protest.

Seungmin clapped excitedly, gaining everyone's attention. "Ok so we've all decided to play truth or dare, am I right?" Everyone nodded except for Chan who groaned and put his head into his hands. "Ok! I'll go first." Seungmin laughed, "Jisung, truth or dare?"

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