"You don't think getting drunk at one of the most important events of our time is embarrassing?" I bit back, I didn't move away from her, knowing all too well that she would lose her balance without the support from my shoulder.

She leant down next to my head, her breath laced with alcohol fanned my face and I winced. "Listen to me kitten, you being here makes a mockery of our people. You make us look weak, you made dad look weak in front of our worst enemy before, I saw the look on his face when you put him in that position, it's shameful."

I bit my lip. I knew she was only saying this because of the alcohol but the pain it sent through my body didn't consider that factor, my feelings had been hurt. I sighed. "The only thing that's shameful here is you for thinking your drunken stupor is the kind of representation appropriate for the next leader of our clan, you've been at the bar all night but I have to socialise with the leaders? That's not my responsibility, it's yours. Stop blaming me for everything that happens." I spat back, this time I stepped forward and Mika's arm slung off my shoulder which caught her off guard. I said what needed to be said.

"You're a bitch." She hissed before pushing me with her shoulder as she walked away from me and out of view, I sighed once again but this time it was as if I were letting my guard back down, I could relax with her gone.

"Would you care to dance?"

I gasped, not expecting anyone to be within earshot of me, I followed the voice to my right where Demetrius stood before me, his tall frame that towered over me within our close proximity. He must be at-least six foot five.

I felt my cheeks burn slightly under his gaze. "My father would kill me." I joked, smiling slightly to give off a friendly intent.

We were natural enemies, everyone knew of this. But looking at Demetrius I didn't feel as though he could be the backwards savage our people plastered his kind to be, I didn't feel threatened standing in front of him despite the aura that clouded him. But my father would never think the same way as I do.

"I wouldn't let that happen." He responded.

It was then I noticed the hand that was outstretched for me to take when I was ready. I thought for a moment, it was just a dance and maybe, just maybe I could make my father proud, be a beacon of hope that our species could put the gruesome past behind us and be allies, willingly.

That was my answer, we were allies because of the treaty, there was no reason I shouldn't accept the offer to dance if we were only enemies in our heads.

Cautiously I placed my hand in his, the warmth that transpired before happened once again and I felt his hand twitch under mine in response. He led me to the middle of the ball room that wasn't so crowded and turn to face his body with mine. There was a momentary pause as if he was unsure of whether to place his arm behind me, but he did, and as I edged closer to him to position myself to dance I felt myself grow warmer with every inch of his body that touched mine.

"You let off a lot of body heat." I mentioned as we began to sway slowly, I couldn't see over his shoulder but I was certain there were people staring. I heard a slight huff as if what I said had amused him but not enough to allow a laugh to leave his lips.

I glanced around the room briefly and caught sight of a few bewildered eyes watching us. "There are people staring, this was a bad idea." I said before pulling back, but I didn't go anywhere as his arm behind me held me in place as though he didn't want me to leave.

"I'm not your enemy, princess." He spoke lowly.

Princess? The title was fitting because my father's role as the prides leader but I'd never been called a princess before. "But you're my father's." I argued.

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