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It was around 9 am when Leilani's father decided to get up and make breakfast on a particularly sunny Saturday.

As he walked towards the kitchen, he noticed a pair of bulky Gucci shoes sitting neatly by the front door.

A pair of shoes that could only belong to a certain individual.

He quickly realized, Billie stayed the night and decided to redirect his route.

His rough hands gently knocked on his daughter's door. After a few moments, he turned the knob and peeked his head in.

There, laying together in a small full-size bed, the two girls were cuddling, clearly trapped in a deep sleep.

Unlike before, Leilani's face was tucked into the crook of Billie's neck, with a hand resting on her chest.

Billie's chin was on top of Leilani's head and her arm was slung lazily across her waist.

Light snores poured out of Leilani's mouth while Billie's chest heaved up and down slowly with each breath.

In this exact moment, her dad realized that kiss was not just a 'girl thing'.

Whatever he was seeing in front of him, was not just a 'girl thing.'

Leilani and Billie had buried feelings for each other and it's crazy everyone around them seemed to notice before they did.

Her dad smiled warmly as he closed the door quietly.

His daughter was happy and that's all that matters.


For the third time in less than twenty-four hours, I'm waking up next to my best friend.

It doesn't take long for me to register how intimate the position we're in is.

Because she's still sleeping, I remove my hand from her chest as cautiously as possible. Somehow, she still notices the loss of touch and begins to wake up as well.

It takes a moment for her to snap out of her blissful daze and awkwardly take her arms off of my body.

She chuckles lightly, mumbling a raspy, "Sorry."

Billie scoots back a bit in an attempt to create some space between us, but she underestimates the size of the bed and falls off with a thud.

It's too early to be laughing hysterically and I'd prefer to spare her ego, so I don't bully her just yet for her stupid decision.

Instead, I roll over and peek my head over the edge of the bed with an evil smile.

"What a wonderful way to start the day."

Laying on the ground like a starfish, she flips me off.

"Good morning to you too."

"I hope you know I'm gonna hold this over your head for the rest of your life."

Instantly, a matching smile spreads across her face and she sits up on her knees so we're at eye level.

Yearn For Agony // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now