When I get to her collarbone, I suck just a little, and a bruise forms immediately. "Oh fuck," I say, pulling back.

"What? What is it, Em?" JJ meets my eyes.

"I, um, I accidentally gave you a hickey," I look away as I speak, hoping she won't be mad at me. I didn't realize she would bruise quite so easily.

"Well I look uneven now, so go ahead and give me one on the other side too," JJ smirks at me, and I laugh.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I whisper in her ear before doing as she requested. We make out for a while, and when we finally stop, we smile at each other.

"I haven't felt like this in a long time," Jennifer says, leaning back onto the couch.

"Haven't felt like what?" a small smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I respond.

"Giddy. I feel like I'm a teenager again or something. But this time, it's so much better," she laughs a little before continuing. "I don't really know what we're doing right now, but I really like it."

"That makes two of us, Jayje," I reach over and take her hand. Our fingers are intertwined, and I can't stop thinking about how perfect it looks.


The next few weeks are bliss. We go on dates a couple days a week, and it's getting harder and harder to keep our hands off of each other at work. I sit at my desk, trying to focus on the file in front of me, but my eyes keep drifting to Jennifer's open office door. Even though I've already gone to "ask her questions" four times this morning, I'm sure no one will notice me going a fifth time. I fake a confused expression as I read and shake my head.

"You are really struggling with those files, princess," Morgan looks up at me from where he's leaned back in his chair with his own file.

"Yeah, I don't even know what's wrong with me today," I roll my eyes and walk as casually as I can to Jennifer's office. I knock on the door gently as I walk in.

"Hey, need help with another file?" JJ's smirk makes me blush.

"Yes, yes I do. I'm struggling so much that I might even need a little bit of help outside of work."

"That is a tall order, but I suppose it's doable, Agent Prentiss."

"Great. My place at 7?"

"I'll be there," Jennifer smiles at me softly. "But holy fuck, I can't wait until then."

"I may have a solution for that if you're feeling a little sneaky. Go to the bathroom and wait for me. I'll be there in a few minutes." I wink as I walk out of her office and back to my desk.

For a few minutes, I busy myself with another file, glancing up for a moment when I see JJ leave her office. After I feel like it's been long enough that no one will suspect anything, I stand, stretch, and walk toward the bathroom.

JJ is leaning against the sink when I walk in, and she smiles shyly when she sees me. I smile back, and pull her into the biggest stall in the bathroom.

"Hi there," JJ's voice is soft, and I can tell she's a little nervous. It's adorable, really.

"You a little nervous, baby?" I brush a strand of hair out of her face and slowly back her into the wall.

"I get butterflies everytime I see you, and we've never done anything at work, so I would say that I am a little nervous, yes." JJ's face turns pink as I put one hand on her waist.

"Feels a little risky, doesn't it?" I ask before pressing my lips to hers. She kisses me back passionately, running her tongue along my bottom lip. I wrap my fingers in her hair and pull her even closer to me.

My other hand makes its way up her shirt, lightly brushing her skin. She shivers when I touch her, and I smile as I kiss her again. As my hand trails up her body, I bite her lip gently, eliciting a soft moan.

"Em," JJ pants after a couple minutes.

"Mmm?" I kiss her neck as I respond.

"I...I think I'm ready. For...you know...everything," JJ pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"Are you sure, Jayje?" I don't want her to feel pressured or anything in any way.

"Yes. Completely."

"Tonight then?" My heart is pounding.

"Tonight." JJ winks at me before walking out of the stall and fixing her hair and clothes. She smiles again before leaving the bathroom.

I wait a few minutes since I don't want to be obvious about anything. Working with a whole team of profilers does not make hiding things easy. Good thing I have a lot of practice with that...

I stop myself from going down that rabbit hole and focus on a more immediate problem: how the fuck am I supposed to focus for the rest of the day? My inability to focus earlier can't even compare to what it's going to be now.

My clothes are a little disheveled, so I straighten them and walk back to my desk.

"Did you fall in or did you just have Taco Bell for lunch?" Derek asks with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" I stick my tongue out at him while I sit.

"You were in the bathroom for a hot minute, princess."

"Are you really questioning my bathroom habits right now, beefcake?" I smile sweetly at him, and he bursts into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Reid looks up from the file he's working on, and Morgan and I start laughing even harder, earning a confused look from the youngest member of our team.

After we finally stop laughing, I look back down at my files and try to focus. Five minutes later, I'm thinking about taking all of Jennifer's clothes off little by little. I don't even notice myself chewing on the pen in my hand at first.

When I finally realize my mind has been drifting again, I groan. This is going to be the longest five hours ever. 

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