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Me and Derek went to my house I was kinda sad. I think he noticed. I was feeding my Cat Y/C/N, when Derek came up to me. "Are you okay" he asked concerned. "No, I'm not ok" I said breaking down. once I started breaking down Derek gave me a hug, we stayed like that for a while. Then we went to bed. When we were in bed I wondered, how am I going to get through intern year without any friends. Then Derek shifted on the bed. He was whispering my Name and there was a tent growing in his crouch area. I decided to wake him up. He woke up startled. "Seems like someone is excited I teased "Well when I'm with the most beautifulest boy how can I not get excited" he said. "I'll make you a deal" I said . "What is it"he asked. "If I pass my medical exam we can have our first time" I said "Ok" he said "I love you" I said "I love you to". We kissed and fell asleep. When I got to the hospital everybody would stare at me. When I got to the interns lounge everybody left when I entered. There was a Ferry boat accident near a dock. I had to ride in a ambulance with Meredith and her friends. When I got in the ambulance Meredith was in the Corner and her friends were all around her sometimes I would catch them giving me dirty looks. When we got there I treated at least 6 patients each with bruises or open wounds. Then I saw Meredith treating a guy and a little girl beside her. I saw a woman with a cut on her forehead and I treated her and led her to a ambulance. When I turned around Meredith was gone but the little girl was still there and the guy she was treating was also there. I went up to them,"Hello" I told the little girl "what happend to the doctor that was here" I asked. She didn't answer but pointed to the boarder of the dock. I got near to the boarder then I saw it,Meredith struggling to swim. I ran for the stairs to go down. When I got there I couldn't see her. So I jumped into the water. When I went underwater I saw her she was still fighting I swam to her. I got her and swam up when I put her out of the water something hit my head. I was falling underwater and the air I was holding was leaving my mouth until I saw no more.
No ones POV
Meredith accidentally hit you in the forehead with her shoe while she was getting out of the water.When she finally got out she saw that you weren't there. She did the only thing she thought of ask for help. She ran up to the dock and the first person she saw was Derek. "Derek" she screamed Derek looked at her and walked to her "What's wrong" he asked "I kicked him with my shoe by accident"  she started to cry "Who did you kick" he asked. "I kicked Y/N in the forehead when he was helping me get out of the ocean, now he's in the ocean and I can't see him" She cried "What" he said Concerned. But he didn't wait for an answer, Derek ran to under the dock. He didn't even think, he jumped into the water and went under it. You were floating down unconscious. He swam the fastest he could to you. He picked you up bridal style and swam up when he got out of the water he ran to an ambulance told them what was happening and got on with you. He started doing C.P.R on you.When they got to the hospital, Dr Bailey Asked "What do we got". "Jane do-" the paramedic was cut off by Derek. "He's not a Jane doe it's Y/N" he said still trying C.P.R."Ok" Dr Bailey said. They got your gurney out of the ambulance. Derek didn't leave your side for one secoend. Until Dr Richard chief of surgery asked him to. "No but I'm the Neurosurgeon of this hospital" he said "You need me" he said "No but you have a relationship with him". "Yes bu-" "Then No"  Dr Richard said walking away. Derek went to an on-call room he banged on the walls and just hoped you would be ok. When he made it to your operating room door, he sat beside the door waiting. That's when Ji showed up. "Where is he" he asked Derek. "You don't get to be here" Derek told Ji now getting up from where he was sitting. "Why not" Ji asked "Because he was sad and your the reason and because I'm his boyfriend that makes me mad at you for making him sad, so leave" Derek yelled at Ji "Now, leave" he yelled again at Ji. Ji was startled but he ended up leaving. Derek hoped you would be fine and that everything would go back to normal. He started imagining you in dark blue scrubs as an an attending. You having his baby, a little Shepherd . Then after that kid you would have another two kids doesn't matter the gender he would be happy with you by himself.Him waking up next to you and kissing you, holding you. He really needed you to wake up and be ok. He didn't think he'd survive losing you.
Your pov
When I woke up I wasn't in water anymore, I was in a operating room. "Meredith" I yelled "Derek" I yelled then a door appeared in front of me. I walked through the door and I saw the bomb squad guy. "Hello" I said "Hey" he said "Where am I" I asked "Your in the post Par-tam life" he asnswered "what" I said "Where's my dad" I asked "He's not here" he answers "until you fully pass then you can see him" he said "Ok" I said "Don't die" I whispered to myself.
No ones POV
Derek was sitting on the floor when his ex best friend Mark Solan the plastics surgeon came up to him. "Hey" he said "What do you want" Derek said. "Nothing just wanted to check in with you" "You can go now" Derek said Mark didn't listen he sat down next to him. "Go Mark" said "Go where Derek" Mark said "Express your feelings"  he said "I can't lose him" Derek said "I just can't if I do I might just quit being a doctor"  he said tears running down his face. That's when Dr Bailey came out of the operating room. Derek got up so fast he almost tripped. "How is he" he asked "He's going to be fine" she said. Derek gave her a hug "Thank you" he wisherd in her ear. He ran to your room. When he got there you were still unconscious.
Your POV
"I have to go back" I said "You can't at least not right now" the bomb squad guy said. Then I felt a sting in my chest.
No ones POV
Derek was holding your hand and sleeping when you heart started to stop. He woke up because of the beeping of the monitor. When he realized your heart stopped he started doing compressions on your chest. "Help" he screamed "He's crashing, help". A nurse walked in and pressed the code blue button. A crash cart came in and a bunch of doctors and nurses. "Give me the paddles"  he demanded they handed him the paddles. "Charge to 100" "clear" nothing "Come on, I can't lose you" he was teary-eyed. "Charge to 200" "clear".
Your POV
My chest hurt and it kept pounding. "What's happening" I asked the Bomb squad guy. "Go" he said "What" I said but then a door appeared and I stepped into it. Then I woke up in a room full of Doctor and Nurses "Derek" I said Derek came right up to me"I'm right here baby". The doctors and Nurses started to leave. "I missed you" he said giving me kisses. "I missed you too "I said He got on the hospital bed with me "I love you" he said "I love you too".

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