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When I woke up it was still night time. I looked around for Derek but he was gone. I got up got my shirt and walked out. I decided to go home I started walking home when someone started walking beside me. I saw it was Derek. "Hi" I said "Hey" he said "I have a question" I asked "What's your question" he said. "Why did you leave the on-call room" I asked. "I was paged "he said "I had to leave ,not because I wanted to if that was what you were thinking" he said. We walked for a while until he broke the silence. "I wanted you to hear this from me first, I'm moving in with Meredith". I was shocked at first but then felt ok, "ok" I said "Ok " he said "Can I take you home" he said "Ok its just a few minutes up here" I said pointing down the street he nodded at me and we continued walking. When we got there we said our goodbyes. I got inside. I made dinner it was microwaved Pasta and Dino Nuggies, I fed Y/C/N.  I changed out of my clothes into pajamas. I got in bed and just stared at the ceiling and that's when all my thoughts and doubts started to flood into my head. Why did he stay in the on-call room with me he probably felt petty because I was hurt. He probably thought it was weird two guys sleeping on the same bed. I got Derek out of my thoughts. The boards which I needed to pass to become a resident where in half a year I have to start studying I thought. All these thoughts and Doubts just kept on coming into my head. I decided to take a shower,while I was showering I looked at where I got hurt, it didn't look bad but It was definitely going to scar. When I got out of the shower I turned on the tv, I saw that there was a car crash. I decided to go to the hospital to see if I could help, it started to rain so I took an umbrella. When I got there I saw Meredith storming out and screaming at Derek. I got closer and I heard her say "I am this close to running you down in the parking lot" she screamed. I saw George run up to her with an Umbrella. I walked up to Derek,"what happened" I asked "My Ex wife appeared" I cut him off "wait your married" I asked "Kinda of" he said, a Woman with red hair and a fur coat walked up to me,  "Hello I'm Addison Shepherd" she said trying to shake my hand, I did not shake her hand "Nice to meet you" I said bitterly, then she looked at Derek"So you messed with two interns"she said pointing at me. She said  "No Merediths my friend I said "o that makes sense, interns stick together" she said. I ignored that, I walked past her and into the hospital.
A few days later turn out she's the hospitals Pediatric surgeon. It was 2 in the afternoon and A handsome guy went up to me. "Are you a doctor here"he asked me "Yes" I said "I am a doctor here" I said "Have you seen a Doctor Shepherd" he asked. "Why" I asked "I'm his friend" he said I looked at him "Let me page him "I said. That's when Derek came running at him and  punched him. "Dr Shepherd" I said grabbing him so he couldn't throw another punch. "You stay away for him" he said pointing at me but looking at him, he looked defensive. I took him into a lab. He sat down, I got everything I needed. I started treating his hand "You have to stop punching people" I said "Stay away from him" he said looking me in the eyes. "Ok I'll stay away from him" I said, He relaxed after I said that, I was almost done treating his hand. I had to ask "why did you punch him" I asked "He likes to touch anything he'll get his hand on" he said "Y/N promise me you you'll stay away from him" he said "I promise" I said.

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