Perfect until it was not

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I was happy Derek was finally my boyfriend. He decided to sleep over. I didn't say no,he kept of kissing me Every chance he got. In the morning he was spooning me I was the little spoon.Then I felt like throwing up, I got up and ran to the bathroom. Derek called after me but soon followed me to the bathroom. I was throwing up in the toilet, he was rubing my back and saying stuff like "Let it all out" and "It's ok". I finally stopped throwing up and he handed me a water bottle, I rinsed out my mouth. Went I stopped he wanted a kiss. "But I just threw up" I said "So I I've been waiting a while to kiss you Im not going to let a little vomit stop me" he said giving me a kiss. When we got back to bed He said "You know how we could get rid of the vomit" he said planting kisses on the side of my neck "How" I asked already knowing the answer. "We could have a baby" he whispered, he started to get on top of me, kissing me . "Well we could" I said, I felt something by my thigh I knew what it was. "But not yet" I said "Plus I'm still an intern" I added, while kissing him. "So, I could afford us and our baby" he said while kissing the side of my neck "But all my hard work wouldn't pay off" I said "Fine" he said getting off of me. We spooned for a while until we both had to go to work. Derek changed and I was changing, when I was putting my pants on I caught him staring at my ass. "Like what you see "I said "Oh yeah" he said. He came up to me and gave me a kiss. He kept on giving me kiss all over. "Stop we have to get to work" I said, "Fine" he said getting off of me. When we got to the hospital I had to make some things clear. "First, no kissing in public" I said "ok easy enough" he said "Second, no sex in a on-call room yet" I said "Now that one will be a lot harder" he said smiling. "Because" I said "I haven't had sex" I said "Wait what" he said looking shocked at me "You haven't had sex with anybody" he said "No, I'm a virgin" I said "Good to know" he said "Why" I asked "Because now I know that once we do have sex, I'll be you first" he said smiling. "I'm gone" I said chuckling getting out of his car. I was in the intern lounge when Dr Lupercio came in "Interns, your boards are coming up in a few months" he said "I recommend you all study, and rounds are in ten minutes". I couldnt help but smile everything was lining up for me. Derek and me are now dating the boards are coming, I was just so happy. Ji noticed this "Why are you so happy" he asked me "No reason"I answered closing my locker and walking out. I treated 6 patients. When Meredith came up to me and slapped me. "How could you we were friends" she said "I-" she cut me off. "Don't talk to me ever again"she said walking away, I had to fine Derek. I paged him 10 mins later he showed up "Hey" he said I pulled him into an on-call room. I asked him "Did you tell anyone about our relationship" "No why" he asked "Because Meredith found out somehow, she came up to me and slapped me". "She what" he said concerned "Im fine" I said "Go" I said giving him a kiss "see you tonight" I said walking out of the on call room. Ji was packing his stuff up when I walked in. "It was you wasn't it" I said "What" he said "You told Meredith about me and Derek" I said "Why did you do it" I asked "I trusted you". "You know why I did it" he said he got right in front of me "because I love you" he said "What" I said. Derek was by the door it looked like he heard everything. "Get out" he told Ji "Now" he said Ji walked out. Derek closed the door "What was that" he asked "Ji just told me he loved me" I said shocked " How do you feel about that" he asked me "I'm sad because I just lost my best friend", I felt tired and sad I let Derek hug me I looked him in the eye's "I love you" I said He looked me straight in the eyes to "I love you to". "Let's go home" he said I nodded.

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