Code Black

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Weeks went buy. I heard Meredith was assigned to Dr Montgomery as her intern for the day. I couldn't imagine the awkwardness. I was walking into a patients room, his dumb friend and him were toying with a hi and it shot something at him, he was bleeding out in the ambulance so a paramedic stuck her hand in to stop the bleeding and now where doing surgery to remove whatever is inside him. I was in the surgery with Dr Burke. When a code black ran through the speakers, Meredith was also in the surgery with me we shared a glance. Dr Burke froze a guy ran into the O.R, I recognized as George came rushing in "There's a missle in him" he said looking at Dr Burke. Dr Burke told everyone that wasn't supposed to be their to leave or people that didn't want to be their could also leave. I decided to stay. The Paramedic was getting nervous I could tell she started to sweat. "Its going to be fine" I said trying to calm her down a bit. She looked a lot more Nervous when the bomb squad arrived.
No ones POV
Ji heard what was happening. He tried looking for you but he couldn't find you until he looked on the O.R board and he saw your name in the room where the Bomb was in, he panicked. He tried to get to you but was stopped by the plastics surgeon. He told Ji to tell the rest of the O.Rs to get ready to transfer hospitals, the first O.R was Dr Shepard's he ran to Dr Shepard's O.R wanting to finish this up to get to you. Derek was surprised when Ji came running in "What are you doing in my O.R" he asked Ji not taking his eyes off of what he was doing. "There was a code black and Dr Sloan asked you to get ready to transfer your patient"he said Faster than he intended "Slow down I- " he was cut off by Ji. "Don't fight me dude Y/N in in the O.R with the Bomb" he said. That's when Derek looked up "What" he said sounding concerned in his voice . Then he said "Ok get ready to transfer the patient" he said "You" he pointed at Ji "Explain everything " he said
Your POV
The bomb squad arrived they made everyone wear a radiation chest plate. "Ok" the bomb squad guy said "Do not take your hand off "he said .The minute they said the paramedic pulled her hand out. Meredith was going to stick her hand in but then all of a sudden I stuck my hand in. Meredith was shocked the bomb squad guy was shocked. I felt the bomb in there it was hard as steel. "Ok, Calm down" the bomb guy said "We have to move on to another O.R "he said "Ok" I said. I started feeling tears in my eyes. "Y/N Your going to be alright" Meredith said. We made eye contact "I hope your right" I said. Meredith walked out of the O.R. We started to move the gurney, I'm going to die today I thought. "Can you call this number" I said to the bomb guy while we were walking "Right now" he said "Please" I said "Ok what's the number" he said, I gave him Ji's number. Ji picked up "Hello" he said "Hey Ji" I said "Y/N where are you" he said concerned "My hand is touching the bomb" I said  "What "he said "I'm coming" he said "No you can't, stay safe take care of my cat Y/C/N, He eats three times a day" I said "Stop saying that" he said "What" I said "Stop talking like your going to die because your not" he said "Ok" I said "I'm going to give the phone to Derek" he said "wha-" "Hey" Derek said "Hey" I said "Your going to get through this" he said "Ok" I said "You have to get through this" he said "Ok" I repeated, I'm guessing he passed the phone back to Ji because Ji said "Don't die" "Bye" I said and I hung up. I gave the phone back to the bomb guy. We walked into the O.R inside was Dr Burke. Dr Burke came to my side and started to open the incision enough for me to take out the bomb the minutes felt like hours. Until finally the incision was big enough, the bomb squad guy asked me to take out the bomb. "Nice and easy "he said. I grabbed the bomb and started to move up the bomb slowly. Finally I took out the bomb out, I placed it in the bomb squad guys hand. I was alive I did it. "Good job Dr Y/N" Dr Burke told me the bomb guy walked out of the O.R, I walked out too that's when I was blown back, I landed on my back. Next I know Ji showed up he helped me up. We went to the showers to clean me off I was bleeding everywhere I didn't want him to see me naked so I kept my underwear on.
No ones POV
When the explosion happend Derek saw Ji run upstairs he was going to start runing to but his wife Addidson hugged him so he couldn't run he wanted to he wanted to just push her and run to you. But he couldn't he couldn't push her.
Your POV
Ji forced me to get in his car so he could drive me home. I got home I walked inside I went to bed. A few hours later I heard a knock on the door. I got up went to my front door and opened it. It was Derek he looked at me without saying anything. "You want to come inside" I asked He studerd a little but said "Yes ".I made tea and we sat on the coach. "I almost lost you" he said while drinking his tea. "But you didn't" I said "I didn't die today" I said he Stared at me. "Why did you put your hand into the bomb"he said "Well because Meredith was going to, but I rather her be ok then me" I said "Why" he said "Why because she's my friend" I said. He set the cup of tea down "What's the real reason" he said looking me in the eyes. "Fine you caught me" I said putting my cup of tea down. "The real reason is that Meredith's important to you and I want you to be ha-". He cut me off. He was kissing me, his lips were soft but passionate I kissed back it was magical. When we finally broke the kiss. I asked "What about Meredith and Addison". "Me and Meredith broke up and I'm divorcing my Ex wife" he said "O good" I said happily, I got up to wash the tea cups."And I like you" he said wrapping his arms from behind me.

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