35 - Never Be The Same

Start from the beginning

"Go," Charlie stated, motioning her head away from the building, but Jungkook didn't move. He hadn't seen her in so long, hadn't been able to touch her or talk to her, and now he finally found her. She was finally there in front of him, and she was yelling at him to go. His stomach clenched at the thought of leaving her behind yet again.

He looked at her gun, which rested at her side. The possibilities ran through his head of how he could disarm her and carry her back to the van. In the split second that it took him to go through everything, he heard Jimin through his earpiece.

"Time to go Hotshot!" His breath was heavy and it sounded like he was running.

Charlie huffed in frustration and brought her gun back up, pointing it at him. "Go!" she yelled again. Against his will, his body started to move away. His heart ached to leave her, but he knew something just wasn't right about her. He took a couple more steps away from her, but then froze and turned back.

"I won't abandon you Charlie." His eyes met her blank expression and let a small smile creep onto his lips. "Still you rise." He watched as her face turned to pure shock. He noticed a shadow rounding the corner of the building and quickly took off towards the van, leaving his best friend, the woman who had his heart, standing there frozen in her stupor.

Jungkook ran back to the van and saw Jimin climbing in as he quickly followed.

"Someone spotted me, had to abort," Jimin said as he closed the van door.

Jungkook gave him a sad smile. "Me too," he mumbled.

Jimin turned towards him and furrowed his brows in confusion. It wasn't the words that were unclear, but instead, how Jungkook had said them. Jungkook slowly met Jimin's eyes.

"I saw Charlie."


Charlie had been eager to get out of the Ganghan house. Her mind couldn't stop replaying the events from earlier in the evening from when she ran into that guy, Jungkook. He seemed to know a lot about her, even knew about the tattoo on her thigh as well as the scar on her hip. She didn't know what to make of the whole situation, but she definitely needed answers. Why the fuck can't I remember him?

She had snuck out of the base, hopping onto her motorcycle before driving off into the night. She loved the exhilarating feeling as the engine roared to life, no set destination in mind. The road felt familiar, an odd sense of deja vu settling in the pit of her stomach as she found herself right under an old bridge that had been stained with various spray paint art.

Charlie parked the bike, hanging her helmet off the side handle before she trudged towards the bridge. She didn't know why she was there in the first place, but she knew that it just felt right. There wasn't a single person in sight, the only sound heard around her was the faint chirping of crickets and sounds of other night creatures who were out this late.

She stopped right under the bridge, inspecting the various shapes and shades that decorated the bleak structure. Her eyes were drawn to the bright green vine, eyebrows furrowing as she noticed a huge gap in the space between the stems. She winced slightly as a small pain settled in her head, her hand instinctively rubbing her temple as she tightly shut her eyes.

"I think it needs more greenery," Charlie finally said as she picked up the colors she needed.

"Greenery? Like plants?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah! Make it a real concrete jungle." Both of them laughed as they went about adding their own art pieces.

She giggled to herself as she kept her finger on the trigger of the can and sprayed a bright green line over the back of Jungkook's shirt. He immediately turned around and glared at her.

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