Chapter VIII- All In

Start from the beginning


No time to think deeper about it. I should use my ability on him before it's too late.

Please work... and please... be safe.

[Austin's POV]

"Can I ask you something?" I asked as the murderer countered my attacks.

"Sure thing, don't get killed now."

"Why are you killing everyone here?" I questioned the murderer's motive.

"To protect someone- This game won't end if I don't kill anyone."

"Then, give up already. Whoever you're protecting, I'll protect them."

Of course, that's a lie. My friends died because of you. I'll make sure to return the favor.

"I don't trust you one bit, so not HAPPENING!" They laughed as they lunged at me.

Ughhh... that was close. I got a cut near my shoulder. But that won't stop me.

"Tchhh..." I groaned.

"For a detective, you seem hellbent on killing me. I wonder why's that."

"Isn't it obvious? You killed them." I tighten my grip.

"Oh. I forgot your friends died. Such a shame."

"Is it that funny? Oh, right- you're just a bloodthirsty murderer."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you, but I agree with that, just a little."

"I'd like to talk more but, time's UP!" I got tripped by a sweep kick from the Murderer. I lost my grip of my knife.

"Any last words?" They looked right into my eyes... I can perfectly see who they are now.

"Huh? Why- can't- I-?" The murderer's hand is stuck on midair, as if a barrier is protecting me. Must be the medic's work.

Looks like our plan worked.

As the murderer was distracted, I managed to land an attack. I rolled down, so I can stand up, making the murderer lose balance in the process.

"Tchhh... You win this time. I'll be back." The murderer immediately rushed outside.


I should have chased the murderer, but I'll get suspicious if someone elses see me with bloody clothes and a knife.

Luckily, I didn't get hurt much. I gotta thank the medic for that. After waiting for 5 nights, I can finally set my plan into action.

"If I can't kill you, might as well get you executed." I grinned.

Wait- Something's wrong. If it's actually [REDACTED] then... Does that mean he's-

I have to get rid of him first. I can't be saved by the medic if I get killed by the assassin.

[???'s POV]

Hmmm... This is a first. Two leaders fighting to the death.

The detective has noticed that they can also kill since the rules don't say that you can't kill if you're not the murderer. Leaving so many plot holes in the rules create so much possibilities, doesn't it?

I want to see another one like this again. Too bad most people here are cowards who would only kill when they're the murderer or the assassin.

I'll give a special extension of the night, just for this occasion. Murderer, Detective, do your best!

[Murderer's POV]

Tchhh... I need to get healed, fast. I can't show myself injured, or I'll get killed sooner or later. The detective knows my identity now, so I'd expect myself to be accused any moment. I can't fake being attacked because the medic knows who they healed so I'll get exposed by both the detective and the medic.

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