Feelings and Cookies

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Catra's POV:

"Why were you with him in the first place" I asked helping Adora sit on her bed. "I don't know. He just showed up and offered me to go with him. I guess I wasn't thinking" she sighed.

"Well you have to stop seeing him since you always need a rescue party after" I paced around the room. "Yes yes I know and I'm sorry" she said. "Yeah sure whatever" I smiled.

"What time is it" she grumbled. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. "3:30" I said.

"Man I'm missing practice. Lonnie going to kill me" she grumbled. "And who's fault is that........." I added. "Fine- it was my fault" she admitted.

We sat in a awkward silence until I had to ask. "Adora, why do you do this. I know you do this for money but there's others way to make money like working at a McDonald's or something. What I'm trying to say is.....why" I asked.

"Just for fun" she simply said leaning onto her headboard. "That's all you have to say" I grew frustrated. "Yeah why" she said with confused. "Why are you lying to me" I shouted. "I'm not-"she tried to defend herself playing with the string of the sweater.

"Why are you like this! You've lied to everyone about why you do this shit! And now........your lying to me. It's not funny to play with peoples feelings Adora"

"I've already fallen for you"

"Catra I didn't mean too-" she tried to defend herself. "You never mean to do anything. Bye Adora" I said exiting through her window. I climb down the shed and left for my bike.
I reached the shitty apartment complex I live in. I walk up the short flight of stairs until I reached the 4th floor also the top floor. Apartments like these are filled with neglected kids, drunk parents and drug dealers.

I usually take the fire escape which leads to the my window but laziness took over which forced me to take the front door.

"Where were you Catra" shadow weaver said coldly. "No where important" I walked past her towards my kitchen to grab something to snack on .

Shadow weaver takes a fist full of my hair and drags me back to face her. "You were with that Adora again. Sweet little Adora. I've always liked her better then you. Who would have known she could have made me so much money. I rather have had her then you a worthless stubborn child" she ranted gripping my hair and dragging me to my room.

Yeah it hurts a little to hear her say those things about me but hearing her talk about Adora like that makes me furious.

"When will you learn respect Catra" shadow weaver yelled throwing me in my room. "Stay away from Adora. You hear me" she growled. I stare her down and say nothing.

A slap was sent towards my face as her rings cut through my skin.

"You hear me Catra" she yells again. "Yes shadow weaver" I grumbled. "Good. Now I'm going out with some colleges. Don't go anywhere" she said slamming my door

Why would anyone want to hang out with a bitch like her. Weaver is the definition of true evil. She doesn't feeds me and beats the shit out of me when she's angry or drunk. I can't wait to turn eighteen to get out of this shithole.

I sit up and slump onto my bed. I was ready to just sleep away my problems.


I heard my phone chime right when my eyes closes. I turn over and check my message.

Scropia🥳: hey wildcat I'm coming over so we can bake cookies ☺️

Scorpia is my best friend who's a year older then me. She left the horde a year before I got kicked. Yeah I was pissed off but she was too nice for the place.

Catra😒: no I'm tryna sleep.
Scorpia🥳: okay I'll be there in ten! Sugar cookies or chocolate chip
Catra😒: sugar cookies🤦🏽‍♀️

Yeah she may be a little to enthusiastic but she means well.
Exactly 10 minutes later a knock was heard at the front door. I use all the energy I have to unlock the door and hop on top of the kitchen counter. "Hey Catra" she smiled coming in with a Walmart bag.

"Hey scropia" I mumbled. "Hey what's bugging you" she started to unloading the the oven. "It's Adora" I said honestly.

"Oh I know Adora. She on the football team with me. That girl is a beast on the field" Scropia stated unloading the bag.

"What is she like" I asked. I wanted to know more to the school Adora then I already did.

"Oh Adora is really nice. One of my first friends when I came to the school. On the field she is very competitive though. But she's not rude to us except Lonnie" scoripa explained.

"Who's this Lonnie I keep hearing of" I questioned. This is the second time I've heard of her.

"Lonnie and Adora are co-captains. Everyone in brightmoon knows Adora is better thought. There like rivals on the same team. Lonnie was really mad that Adora didn't show up to practice today so there probably going to fight Tomorrow which they do a lot" scropia said.

"Are you gonna help and How do you know Adora" she asked pulling out the frozen cookie dough.

"No I'm not gonna help you I never wanted to make stupid cookies in the first place" I stated as she just smiled continuing to prepare the cookies.

"Remember I told you about my childhood friend who left me and went to a different home. That's Adora" I grumbled laying back on the table.

"Oh the friend that made you cry when she left" scropia came to a realization on who I was talking about. "She didn't make me CRY" I growled defensively.

"Whatever you say. But what's bothering you about Adora. Did something happen" she placed cookies onto the baking pan I never knew we had.

"Well she keeps lying to me and we don't lie to eachother" I complained.

"So obviously you like Adora" scorpia laughed. "W-who said that" i hissed at her. I don't like Adora like that. Or do I?

"Okay well Maybe something bigger is going on. You guys only just met again so try talking to her but don't pressure her towards the answer" scropia put the cookies in the oven.

"Yeah sure" I grumbled. If I can't beat the answer out of her then how will I get it. Am I supposed to sweet talk her or something.

"Oh sorry wild cat. I forgot I was having tea time with purfuma" scorpia said.

"Is that your girlfriend" I smugly said. She was a blushing mess. "Uh no we're just friends" she frantically said.

"Friend with benefits" I laughed at her shocked expression. "Wh-what. Just Keep a eye out for those cookies" she ran out the front door.

At least she was happy.


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