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Tw: Underage drinking

Blaring music was heard from a distance as we got closer to a big black building. Glowing lights surrounded the the place as the car stopped. "I hope you know I'm not paying you for the bottles swifty" Adora Cheerfully said. "Of course your not" he laughed as Adora jump out of the car.

"Hey you back there" he called out. "Yes" I asked. "Watch our for her. Adora jumps into situations she can't handle sometimes. She needs someone to look out for her before she does something she might regret" he told me. "Got it and thanks" I said getting out of the car.

I know Adora will do anything just to please anyone. That's why she acts so perfect at school. But what this driver said kinda scared me. Something she might regret?

"Catra come on" Adora intertwined our hands and walked towards the entrance. A long line of people rapped around the building as Adora passed them all to the entrance. There stood two bodyguards.
The looked up at Adora and let her in.

What! How?

She yanked me inside and we were in a club? She lead me through crowds of people dancing and making out.

We finally made it it another room where another set of bodyguard stood. "Password" one said. "Are you serious" she groaned. "For the honour of grayskull" she mumbles as he let her into an elevator.

"Oh my gods" Adora groaned. As the elevator door opened a picture of her was there.

It was the same outfit as before. She was standing up as the sword was placed behind her back supported by her arms. "Well shit! that's interesting" I muttered as we got in the elevator. She pressed the bottom floor as we descended. "Nice picture" I laughed. "S-shut up" she pushed me.

"I'm gonna ask.... are you a stripper" I honestly asked. "Oh no. I'm not a stripper. I'm just the face of club grayskull. Around here I'm known as
She-Ra" she explained. "Makes sense" I said.

The elevator reached the bottom floor and the door opened to revel another party. The smell of alcohol swarmed the room. I never been to a club because I'm only 16 but I've drank before. I instantly thence up as Adora walked out.  "Hey don't worry. Relax I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" she reached her hand out as I took it.

Musics was blasting and fog was all around. Adora skipped towards the bar and sat down and I did the same. "Here" a girl with blue hair said placing two drinks infront of us. "Thanks mermista. Oh and This is Catra. She reminds me a lot of you. Always grumpy" Adora grinned and hoped off her chair. "Whatever" the bartender groaned.

This girl chugged her whole drink and then look at me. "Drink it" she stared at me. "As long as it doesn't kill me" I joked and gulped down the mysterious liquid that surprisingly taste good.

"Come on let's go dance" she yelled dragging me to the dance floor.

Maybe it was the alcohol or just being with Adora but I felt happy. A different type of happiness. The feeling of letting go  of my troubles and being wanted.

The club flashed with blue and purple lights. The room was packed but I could focus on was her.

The way she swung our intertwined hands. Her hips swayed to the beat of the music. The way she giggled when she bumped into me. The way she looked..... could I be falling for Adora?

We were there for hours. Dancing and drinking like we didn't have school the next day.

We were currently upstairs sitting on the couch just talking about nonsense. Her head was laid on my lap as she played with my lengthy black fingernails.

"Are you gay Adora" I asked. "Hella gay" Adora was a snickering mess. "Are you" she questioned with a smirk. "Hella gay" I copied her. "Ask me more questions" she eagerly asked.

I check the time and it was midnight. "Adora it's midnight we should go now-"

"Going so soon" a voice was heard behind us. I turned around to see a tall man. He had white braids with emerald eyes. "Yes we were Just about to leave" Adora spoke. I could feel the anger raiding off of her as we stood upon. "Who's your friend and what's her experience" he smirked. "Nobody and She's not looking for a job" Adora glared at him. "I actually am-"

"Not here" she interrupted me. "Oh come on. Don't be like that. Why don't you give her some of your contacts. She seems like a pretty young gal. The guys will love her" he examined me. What is going on.

"Well she's not yours" Adora composed herself and dragged me away. Not taking a break Adora pulled me all the way towards the front entrance.

"Who was that" I broke the silence once we got outside. "My boss. Horde prime" she stated. "Do you want me to take you home now. If you don't want you can come to mine. I'm N-not trying to force you just suggest. But I'm not kicking you out-" she rambled. "Just shut up" I quickly stopped her by putting my finger on her lips and she stopped talking. "Thank you. Your houses is fine" I smiled slowly removing my finger.
"Thank you swifty. See you tomorrow" Adora yelled out. "Are we going through the window" I asked. "Oh we're not going to my house. Gods no. Hordak will flip. We're going to my safe house" she winked at me stumbling down the sidewalks.

"You can't even walk straight" I called out running up to her. "Well I'm not straight" she yelled running down the street. "That was so stupid" I chased after her.

About 30 seconds of running we arrived at the biggest house on the street. "Come on" she lead me toward the backyard which was bigger then my house and climbed up a ladder. "Adora who's house is this" I whisper shouted. "Shut up before you wake them up" she replied.

The ladder lead to a balcony that she jump onto and I followed. She slid the slide door open and walked in.

It was a huge room. Pink and purpled covered everywhere. As I scanned the room there was sparkles and crop top sleeping on a king sized bed. "Score" Adora muttered. There was a half eaten box's of pizza on the floor.

Adora instantly grabbed a slice and gobbled it down like she was starving. Well I haven't seen her eat today and she does look pretty lean.

The last thing I remember was joining her as we ate the rest of the pizza trying not to wake up the duo on the bed.


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