The Freak & The Kiddo

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Tw: substance abuse, unconstitutional affection, abuse.
Catra's POV:

I really fuck up. I thought sitting in my room. God I can't get her out my mind.

I didn't mean to sound rude but I did. I made Adora run out of the school crying because I couldn't accept the fact that see helped me.

I need to apologize. I don't have her number but I know where she lives. It's late but I need to see her.

I creek my door open and don't here the Living room T.V on. Shadow weaver is probably not here. I softly run down the stairs to the front door.

"Where do you think you going" I heard a cold voice behind me. I turned around to see shadow weaver towering over me.

Do you ever wish to take back something you said. Well I wish I could take back what I just said.......

"I'm going to see Adora" I simply said.

A harsh blow was sent towards my cheek.

"I know your a disappointment but don't become a bigger one by hanging out with her. She may be perfect at school but that girl is a no good prostitution. She had so much potential but is succeeding elsewhere" shadow weaver spoke.

If this lady wasn't my 'Guardian' I would have slap the shit out of her.

"Who are you to judge" I growled swinging the door opening and slammed it running out.

Fuck I'm gonna be In so much trouble but I don't care. I genuinely feel bad. Everyone is judging Adora and so did I.

I quickly hopped on my bike and drove towards her house.
Once I got there I decided to go through the window to avoid her hordak. I quickly ran towards her back yard. I hopped the fence and arrived by the shed.

"Well here we go" I mumbled to myself. I jumped onto the shed and tried my best to avoid making any noice. I was a pretty small person so it wasn't to hard besides the lack of upper body strength.

I made it to the top and swung the window open and hopped in.

"Who the hell are you" a familiar girl shouted at me. She was sitting on Adora's beanbag chair with nothing but her undergarments. Note to self don't sit there ever. Then it hit me.

"Hey......your the freak who dragged Adora away from yesterday" I smirked at her shocked expression.

"First of all kiddo it's Mara and I'm not a freak" she growled at me as I sat down on Adora's bed.

"Why are you here even in the first place" she questioned me. "I came to talk to Adora. We got into an argument" I said. "More details" she smirked up at me.

"Seriously" I scoffed. For some reason I felt like talking to this freak. She knows Adora so she could probably help me.

"I kind of told her that she not perfect and to stop being the hero" I admitted.

"Oh touchy topic for her. Adora thinks she has to be perfect for everyone like approval or whatever. She doesn't like facing the facts because our boss is a total manipulating bitch who tells her she has to be perfect" the girl stated.

"What do you mean 'your boss" I asked.

"He Adores Adora. You see what I did there. Adore-" Who is this idiot.

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