Dress up

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Tw: verbal abuse
Catra's POV

My eyes fluttered opened. I must have fallen asleep. I look to see that I was sleeping on Adora's chest. I sit up as Adora starts to shift in her sleep.

"Wake up a-dorka" I whispered slapping her exposed stomach. "Seriously Catra" she groaned. "I didn't want you to miss work" I yawned as she sat up reaching for her phone. "Oh yeah I guess we slept together" Adora shrugged not being aware of what she just said.

"Now time to get you ready" she ran towards me and yanked my arm bringing me towards the door on the left.

She took a key hid behind the dresser and inserted it into the slot. "Remember! you promised me you wouldn't judge me" she  reminded as she opened the door.

"Holy Shit"

The door revelled another room. The walls were gold and white. However it wasn't just any room.

There was clothes everywhere. When I mean everywhere I mean there was everywhere! Racks a lined the walls, on the floor and in drawers. Different alcohol bottles were on the shelves and empty one on the floor. Pictures of that Mara freak hung throughout the walls until the middle was something different. By far the biggest picture in the room.

It was Adora and that name She-Ra princess of parities plastered at the bottom. She was lying down with a white and gold matching small shorts and crop top. Her hair was down as a golden crown was placed on her head. Across her chest was a blue sword. She was smiling. Not a fake smile. She seemed genuinely happy.

"Welcome to my play pretend" she giggled. "Who's room is this" I asked. "Well it used to be that Mara girl I was talking to but she got kicked out for not being exceptional" Adora spoke while picking through the clothes. "Now to find something that would fit you" she squinted examining the room.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing" I questioned. "You overdressed yet underdressed" she squinted at me.

"Here this screams: I'm dark and depressing don't mess with me" she laughed throwing a pile of clothes at me.
"Wow impressive" I laughed walking toward a folding changing room in the corner.

Is Adora a prostitution? That's all I've been thinking about. I promised I would judge her. A stripper. Catra stop! You need to just go with the flow before you jump to conclusions. I didn't even know what I was putting on until I was finished.

Simple black thigh highs with golden bows. A tight long sleeve black shirt with a boob window and last black shorts
With golden rims around.

I walk out of the changing room to see Adora struggling to put on her own bra. Can this girl be any dumber! My plan was to just watch her struggle but I felt like she was dying for help also.

"How stupid can a person be that they can't even put on their own bra" I cackled walking up to her. "Oh Catra help me please" she begged. I pushed her hands away as I grabbed onto the strap slowly clipping it.

I felt her shiver as my knuckles brushed against her back. I wanted more. As I slowly clipped it I ran my matte black fingernail down her spine causing her to let out a groan. I swiftly moved back as she lost he balanced. I can tell she a blushing mess even though she not looking at me. Adora regained her composure and finally spoke.

"Let's see how you- look" she beamed look at me with a wide eye expression.
"What do you think" I anxiously asked. "You look amazing- I mean great! Not that you don't look amazing! You do. Yeah perfect- I mean!"

"I get it. Thanks" I grinned. "How bout you. Your not going out like- that"

I examined her body. She wore Lacey white panties with a matching push up bra that made her tits look great!

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