The Sound of Silence

Start from the beginning

"Damn it! Give us back our pity and sympathy with you, you jerk!" Yang shouted as her eyes started flashing between red and lavender.

"I agree, Jaune shouldn't have trolled us like that." Pyrrha nodded as she secretly wiped away the tears in her eyes.

"Hm! Though you got to admit, vomit boy got us good." Ruby said, giggling.

Nora followed, then, Yang, Weiss, and practically everyone in the room was laughing.

"Hahaha, yeah. You're right about that Ruby." Weiss said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "Though I have to wonder, when did the dolt have the time to compose and make these?"

Weiss turned towards Pyrrha, Nora and Ren, to question them, but the trio shook their heads.

Pyrrha was the one to open her mouth and said.

"Well, we don't know. Almost everyday, from our classes to our training time, we saw Jaune always busy. Even in our days off, he would just remained here in our room relaxing or go out with us to either wander around Vale or train."

"If that's the case," Blake's voice cut in and said, "Then shouldn't it be that these are songs composed before he enrolled into Beacon?"

Everyone looked at each and shrugged.

"We're not Jaune after all, about let's just ask him when he gets back?" Ren said, and continued, "While also apologising for the breach of his privacy, you all understand?"

Everyone nodded with serious expressions.

"... If that's all done, well then," Weiss's low voice reached everyone's ears. It sounded as if she were embarrassed or something.

"It's my turn!" Weiss struck like lightning, her hand going and grabbing the scroll from Blake's hands like a snake.

Of course, everyone complained about that but Weiss coldly ignored them.

'Woah... To think that Arc would have composed so many songs...' Weiss's amazement at Jaune's works can be clearly seen within her eyes. Her face however? It remained cool and indifferent as she continued to scroll down the selection list, pun intended.

Yang suddenly felt pride and annoyance swelled up within her for a few moments before shrugging it off.

Weiss's finger suddenly stopped, as a certain music video title attracted her. She's really curious to open it but she hesitated, cause she knew that Yang, and possibly everyone else, would make fun of her.

She stood there, frozen, for a couple of moments, before curiosity won out.

She pressed it and the video started.

In the video, Jaune could be seen wearing a winter blue jacket hoodie, the said hood on his head.

He looked, cold, and calm. As he stare unblinking at the camera recording him.

"So, I didn't have the time to either draw an animation or make a video out of this. I'll just leave it be a lyrical music video only." As soon as he finished, the screen momentarily blanked out  the title of the music appeared on screen.

Music: Cold
By: Jaune Arc

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