"Bailey?" She asked the resident standing at the door.

"Down there, at the nurses station," he pointed to a short African-American woman leaning against the nurses station. Meredith breathed deeply before heading to the woman. She was followed by George and a tall, blonde-haired woman. Walking a few paces behind was another man, built a little more than George. He had brown, short hair and thin eyes.

"That's the nazi?" George chuckled as he tried to keep up with Meredith.

"Maybe she's nice," the blonde replied. She was the first to approach Bailey.

"Hi, Dr. Bailey? I'm Isobel Stevens but everyone calls me Izzie," Izzie smiled brightly as she reached out her hand to Bailey.

"I have five rules, memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother suckin' up to me. I already hate you and that's not gonna change," Bailey said as she shut the chart she was reading and started hanging out pager's.

"Trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers. You answer every page at a run, that's rule number two," Bailey said as she began walking off and the four followed her.

"You're first shift starts now and last forty-eight hours. You're interns, grunts, nobody's, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, and work every second, every night til you drop and don't complain," she said as she lead them to an empty on-call room, "these are on call rooms, attending a hog them. Sleep when you can, where you can. Which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is actually dying. And rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only would you have killed someone, you would have woken me for no good reason. We clear?"

The four stood there for a second, waiting for her to finish with the fifth rule. Meredith looked for a second before finally speaking up.

"You said five rules, that was only four," Meredith said just as her pager began beeping loudly.

"Rule number five, when I move, you move," Bailey quickly said as she pushed them out of the way and quickened down the hall. The four followed in suit as she lead them to an elevator that shot straight to the roof. A helicopter was landing just as the doors opened. Alex and Izzie had grabbed a gurney and lead it along with them as the helicopter landed.

"What do we got!" Bailey yelled at the top of her voice, it was still unclear due to the loud helicopter.

"Katie Bryce, fifteen. New onset seizures, intermittent for a week. IV lost en route, started grand mal seizing as we descended," the woman said as she guided the girl off the helicopter and they all went rushing into the elevator. Meredith was very overwhelmed by the quickness of the whole situation. One minute everything was fine and the next it was chaos. They finally got her to stop seizing after they pushed 10 ml of diazepam rushing down the hall. They whisked her into the nearest room as they began to start a work up, Bailey sat back while the four of them worked on the patient.

"What do we got?" A male voice said as he came into the room. He looked quiet, extremely quiet. He had glasses on his face and his hair looked almost like a toupee.

"Grand mal seizing, not sure of the cause just yet. Finally got her to settle Dr. Nelson," Bailey said as she watched everyone continue to work on her.

"Alright, let's shotgun her," he said.

"Shotgun her?" George said as he tried to her a central line into her vein.

"Every test in the book. Karev, you're on labs. George you are on my patient work-ups, Meredith take Ms. Bryce to get a CT and Izzie. You're on recitals," Bailey smirked as she said that. Everyone stood, looking at one another.

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