"You think I'm the annoying one? Try having to babysit a fully grown woman twenty-four-seven because you're worried she'll get shot."

"Hey, you were the one that decided on a mentorship, not me" you remind him, looking up at him with a half-smile.

"Something tells me you're enjoying it a little more than you let on" he raises an eyebrow again, glancing over your body.

"Who, me?" You scoff "never."

"Right," he says, clearly unconvinced. He turns towards you a bit, his hand brushing against your arm as he raised his fingers to your jaw. He presses the pads of his fingers into your chin and lifts it before moving it slightly, as if studying your face. "I knew you were a brat, y/n, but a liar too?"

"I'm not a brat" you roll your eyes again "I'm just, um, opinionated."

"That's putting it lightly."

He's close to your body, and you can feel the heat radiating from him. His hands rested on the handrail behind you, making you fully encompassed in his body. When your breathing synchronized your chests touched delicately. His lips were just inches away.

Ding. The elevator opened its doors, making him pull away from you.

What's the opposite of saved by the bell? Because the disappointed, sinking feeling in your stomach clued you into the fact that you had just experienced whatever that was.

Silently, you lead him down the hall to your door. Somehow, he still managed to make you shaky every time he came close to you. He could make adrenaline course through your veins at his touch. On one hand, you hated that he had such an undeniable power over you, but on the other hand, the feeling was exhilarating.

You lead him to your place, and your hands shake slightly as you take out your keys and unlock the door.

"Here it is," you say, not exactly sure how to proceed. It had definitely been a while since you had brought a man home with you. You turn on the lights to reveal your clean but relatively plain apartment. "Make yourself at home."

"It's very nice" he compliments, taking a brief look around. It was so odd how he could make you feel so shaken and continue acting as nothing happened. As if you had been talking about work or weather, not an inch away from making out in a public elevator.

"Thank you" you give a polite smile, following his lead. "Can I take your coat?"

He nods, shaking off his suit jacket. You take it and hang it in the closet before taking off your shoes.

"Want anything to drink?" You ask, leading him to the kitchen.

"A water would be nice."

"That's disappointing. I thought you would've asked for scotch. Although, that didn't work out too well for you last time." You shoot him a smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit while you grab him a plastic water bottle from the fridge.

"I still have to drive home" he points out before opening the bottle. He leans against the counter, watching as you moved around the kitchen.

"You could spend the night" you suggest. You occupy yourself by putting a kettle of water on the stove and starting the fire underneath it. You give him a sideways glance to gauge his reaction. To your surprise, he smiles a bit to himself at your proposition.

"I appreciate that, but I really should be home by 9. I have to pick Jack up from Jessica's house."

"Jessica," you say to yourself. You lean against the counter and rack your brain for the name. For some reason, you couldn't quite remember who Jessica was. He had definitely said her name before, hadn't he?

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