chapter 13- the recording

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i walk over to a white FedEx package sitting on a shelf in one of the walls. 'FOR BIRD' written on bold black letters on the front of it and pick it up.

Wordlessly i pick it up and pass it through the hole to John B. He takes it from my hands and pulls the lantern out of the way, leaving me space to try and exit.

"That's not gold." Pope says as i'm pulling myself through. on the way down i stumble once more but JJ grabs my hips and steadies me.

"Thanks." i say, removing myself from him hold.

"Holy shit." John B says, catching my attention as i look over at him. "This is from my dad."

I look back when i here a lighter click, i see JJ trying to light one of his blunts. Walking over to him, i pluck it out of his fingers and tuck in into the back pocket of my jean shorts.

Just as he's about to protest we here a vehicle pull up.

"Code red. code red. square groupers! square groupers!" JJ panics and starts running towards our friends.

"Go." Kie exclaims as we all run and hide behind one of the graves.

"It's the guys who robbed your house."

"Lights!" i whisper yell. "Your lights!"

"Turn your light off man." I hear pope say, turning to see a dazed JJ as Pope reaches up and turns of JJs headlight for him.

"John B?" i hear Kie say and look the other way to see John B stuffing his lantern up his thin see though shirt.

"Oh my god. THIS is how we die." I tell Kie who's beside me as we watch the three boys scramble.

"Do you think its them?" Kie asks as JJ peaks around the corner to look at the men who pulled up.

"Oh homies got a gun." he says pulling back into the cover that the grave provides.

"Oh screw this." Kie says, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her as we sprint across the graveyard with the boys trailing us.

We run towards the big gated fence and all start to hop over it. I haul my body over first and wait for the rest to jump over to. were all over except Pope who suddenly stops at the top.

"Guys! guys! i'm stuck."

"Pope, come on man!" JJ yells.

"i got you." Kie says running over and starting pulling on his legs. John B pulls up the van as i see JJ raise the gun at the fence.

"Blondie what the fuck do you think your going?" i ask grabbing the gun and pushing it downwards.

"You're gonna rip me!" Pope exclaims from the fence.

"You're fine. come on!" Kie tells him, continuing to pull his legs.

We all hear a large rip and turn to see Pope falling to the ground, his pants still attached to the fence.

"nice dude!" i hear JJ tease as we all take off running. Pope trying to cover his tightly-whities as we go.

"Look its a little tootsie roll." i say, joining in on JJs joke.

we all burst out laughing and clammer into the van as John B pulls away.

we arrive at the chateau and we all head inside. JJ goes straight for the kitchen while everyone else stays in the living room.

"JJ." Kie calls from her place behind John B.

"Hot damn, lets do this." he says, running to us with a beer and moldy sandwich in hand. he takes a bite and instantly spits it back out into his hand gagging.

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