chapter 6- the tanks

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after they explained everything, John Bs dad, the royal merchant, them finding the boat and then going to the motel with the key, which they told me was where they found the gun. everything.

after that, they dropped me off at home and gave me some directions, they told me to meet them there, it was the chateau, John Bs place.

when i walked back into the house i was greeted by my mom in the kitchen. when she saw the huge bruise forming on my jaw, she was a little angry that i had gotten into a fight the second day we were here but dropped the subject non the less.

the next day started out the way most usually did back in Florida, at the hospital. when i was finished i went home for a couple of hours before going over to the chateau. the whole time was spent either sleeping or throwing up.

when i was finally feeling better i went over to the chateau. as i walked up John B wasn't very surprise to see me, so i assumed that Kie, Pope, and JJ had filled him in on what happened last night and the fact that I now knew about the little treasure hunt they were going on.

"Dylan, hey! we were wondering whether you bailed or not!" Pope said after looking up from his book.

"Yeah sorry, busy morning." i easily lied.

after that pope went back to reading and Kie continued messing around with the small set of bongo drums set in front of her. JJ was leaning up against a table in the yard throwing rocks and John B was pacing. I chose to take a seat next to Kie, feeling lightheaded from my walk over.

"Look, I'm calling it off. all right?" John B finally says after about 5 minutes of pacing. "Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS."

"And you believed her" JJ says.

"Yes, I believe her, JJ."

"An actual cop John B. you believed a cop."

"All i gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out." John B says. "It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun."

"You know what i should have done? just let topper drown your ass." JJ says.

"Umm actually, i stopped that. you just stopped topper from getting a good swing or two at me." I interrupt JJ.

"Oh yeah? because topper was gonna drown me." John B says sarcastically, completely ignoring my statement.

"Sure looked like it, i mean have you looked in a mirror?" JJ says tauntingly.

"Come on man. tell me some more. come on." John B says, egging along JJs insults.

"They always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!" JJ screaming angrily, punching the buoy hanging from the ceiling of the shack.

"Look, it's okay!" Kie yells over JJ, trying to get him to calm down.

"No, it's not okay!" JJ turns around still angry and screams at Kie. "They don't want us to go down into the marsh because they know something valuable is down there and you know it man." JJ continues.

"You know it, I understand why you don't want to go," he says, turning to Pope. "you're the golden boy. you got way too much to risk. and you-" he pauses and turns to Kie. "i mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. why would you bother?" then he turns to me, "honestly i don't know what your deal is but your here now so that means you obviously don't have much else to do." when he's finished he turns back to John B. "but you and me, man, we got nothing to lose! we really don't alright? and I know it didn't use to be that way for you."

"i don't wanna talk about this, i don't want to talk about it." John B says getting up and shoving past JJ.

I start feeling bile creep up the back of my throat, quickly standing up I caught everyone's attention, but I don't pay them any mind as I slam a hand over my mouth and dart towards the house, following the same layout i did when Kie cleaned my bruised face last night after the fight.

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