chapter 9- the accusations

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after John B looked at the compass for a little while longer, the group moved to the deck while JJ and I headed towards the bathroom to stitch me up because Kie didn't know how.

"Hop onto the counter and take your shirt off." JJ told me whole rummaging through the cabinets, looking for the first aid kit.

"If you really wanted to get me naked you could've just asked." I say to him with a wink, simultaneously trying, and failing, to take off my shirt and not irritate the marks on my skin.

"Haha, very funny." he deadpans, turning back to me with a small white box in his hand. when he sees me struggling, he laughs and says in mocking voice, "if you really wanted me to undress you, you could have just asked." while smirking at me.

"Oh, just shut up and help me blondie, I've already been shot." I say irritated with him already.

"All right, all right, i'm going." he snaps back while helping me pull my shirt over my head.

I look down and see about a 3-inch gash along my lower left side.

"At least I'll have a cool scar." i say jokingly. when I realize JJ isn't laughing with me, i look up and smirk when i realize that he's checking me out.

"Hey blondie," i say teasingly "like what you see?" i ask, laughing when i see his flushed cheeks.

He turns to the side and picks up a disinfecting wipe, he turns back to me and moves so that he's in between my legs. My breath hitches when I realize the position were in and suddenly i'm hyper aware that neither of us are wearing shirts.

"This is going to hurt." he tells me. oblivious to my rising body temperature.

"Just do it." i tell him, suddenly wanting to get out of this cramped space with him. I don't know why i'm this way with him, we just met, and I was never this way with any of the boys i met back home.

with a quick motion the wipe is down on my skin and a burning sensation is ripping through my body. I try to jerk away but JJ puts his other hand on my opposite hip and pulls me back, keeping me where I am so he can continue.

He then discards the wipe and moves back to the first aid kit, picking up a needle and some of the stitching thread.

after he threads the needle, he turns back to me and looks me in the eye.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital for them to do this?" he asks.

"Positive." i say, avoiding eye contact.

I hear him lowing grumble something about me dying and how it wasn't going to be his fault.

"Ok hold your skin together here." he instructs me, i look down and follow what he's saying.

"Ok now looks at the door, don't watch it will only make it hurts more." he tells me.

"Ok." I follow his instructions again, keeping my fingers pinching the skin as i look at the door.

not long after i look away I feel the needle pierce my skin.

"Son of a bitch!" i yell, grinding my teeth together.

"Stay still." he says seriously, not even looking up at me.

i turn to look at him for just a moment and truly take the time to look at him while he's focused on the stitching.

his dirty blond hair is flopping in front of his eyes, but he makes no move to push it away. his tan skin glistens with a sheer layer of sweat from being outside. his deep blue eyes are completely zeroed in on my wound.

as if feeling my stare on him he pauses what he's doing and looks up, catching my gaze.

"where'd you learn to stitch people up?" i ask, trying to distract him, hoping he'll forget my stare.

I see his jaw clench out of the corner of my eye as he repositions his hand for the next stitch.

"Just gotten in quite a few fights in my lifetime." he shrugs, plunging the needle into my skin rather harshly this time.

"Motherfucker, don't be so violent!" i yell at him again. as if coming out of a trance he mumbles a small "sorry." to me and continues tying off the stitch and moving to the next one.

he continues moving along my skin, putting in stitches about a centimeter apart, as each time me takes the needle to my skin a mutter a handful of cuss words.

"All done." he says about 20 minutes later. standing up to throw away all the things we used and packing back up the med kit.

he turns back around and sees me pushing myself off the counter. he pauses what he's doing and stares at the inside of my arm that was facing out as i hoped off the counter.

"What?" i ask, confused as to what he's staring at.

In one stride, since we were still enclosed in the bathroom, he's standing right in front of me. He grabs my arm and pull it up to where the crease of my elbow is in front of my face.

"what's this from Dylan?" he asks, his face and voice void of any emotion.

I let out an audible gasp as I realize he's talking about the marks from the treatments from the hospital.

"I umm..." i stutter out. "I don't know what you're talking about." I dumbly say, trying to pull my arm from out of his grasp.

"Dylan, are you doing drugs!" he screams at me so loud that i'm sure the others heard it from the living room.

"No blondie of course not!" i scream back at him just as loud.

"don't lie to me and don't call me that." he sneers at me.

"i'm not lying to you JJ." i tell him, desperately trying to make him believe me.

"Then tell me Dylan, what are the needle marks from." he pleads with me.

"I can't." i tell him quietly, looking down ashamed i can't tell my new friends about that part of my life yet.

"Then were done here." he tells me, shoving past me and out of the bathroom door.

"JJ." I yell after him, following him into the living room where everyone else sat.

"NO!" he turns to me and yells. "If you can't tell me why then i'm assuming that its drugs." he continues.

"Wait, what?" Kie asks from the couch.

"Dylan's on drugs." JJ turns to her and yells, grabbing my arm and turning it so that the needle marks from the hospital show.

"I'm not on drugs!" I screech at him, pulling my arm away.

everyone is now i'm front of us looking at me with confusion.

"Dylan, we can get you help." pope says to me softly.

"Oh my god guys i'm not drugs, there's a reason i didn't want to go to the hospital!" i scream, not being able to take the accusations anymore. "I'm on treatment for c-" i cut myself off, slapping a hand over my mouth to stop myself from saying more.

everyone's eyes instantly shoot up to me.

"On treatment for what, Dylan?" John B says to me in a gentle tone, taking a step towards me.

snapping back into reality i stumble back away from him. everyone's still looking at me with confused expressions.

"i uh," i manage to choke back a sob. "i need to go." i say, my voice cracking at the end.

I turn and quickly bolt out of the door, leaving everyone behind. confused and with no answers.

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