chapter 3- the surge

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We finally arrived at our new house after what feels like forever but it's only about 4pm. I hop out of the car, tucking my phone underneath my shirt to protect it from the pouring rain.

I see my parents jump from the UHAUL and make a run for the house, so I do the same. My parents make it to the door and unlock it before I get there so I just run right through and into the dry cover.

As I turn and look at my parents, I see them exchange a knowing look. I smirk knowing that they know what i'm about to ask.

"Hey mommmmmm." I ask dragging out her name with sickly sweetness "you know, i bet the waves are pretty gnarly with this storm coming in!" I smile excitedly just thinking about surfing the double over head waves that I have no doubt are slamming into the sand right now.

"Oh, just go!" she says, throwing her hands up in an exasperated tone.

I just smile and run past her to the UHAUL throwing the doors open and pulling off my already soaked clothes. Finally glad that I wore a bathing suit under my clothes that whole car ride, I grabbed my board and sprinted to the nearest beach access which luckily for me was only a couple roads over.

As i ran through the sand only focused on the water, I almost failed to see the two boys standing on the sand dune next to me.

"Dude you aren't seriously gonna surf those are you?" The darker skinned boy turned, i didn't know he was talking to me until I saw his head turn my way.

"Like hell i'm NOT gonna surf those waves!" I said while smirking as I took in both the boys shocked expressions.

I just laughed and took off sprinting in the water direction and I heard whooping and hollering from where I had just left the boys.

I jumped into the water slamming my body down into my board. I started paddling out deeper to where the waves were breaking and i wouldn't be right on the white water. I duck dived under a couple breakers and finally make it out of the impact zone.

After I caught a couple amazing waves, doing snaps off the lid and doing low turns, the waves started getting rougher, so I was thinking about called it a day until I heard some paddling coming up behind me.

I turned around and saw that it was the tanned boy and his darker friend.

"Where did you learn to surf like that?" he asked in an excited tone. He then turned around to the dark-skinned boy and said, "honestly I think she's better than JJ." he turned back around and gave me a million-dollar smile that would have most girls swooning.

the darker boy laughed at the tan one
"oh, she's DEFINITELY better than JJ!" They both started laughing at this.

"sorry to interrupt but who-" before i could complete my sentence something in the distance caught my eye.

"Holy shit is that a boat?" I ask the boys, pointing behind them, prompting them to turn around and see what I was talking about.

"it definitely is, who the hells out during a storm like this?" the dark-skinned boy said.

"oh I don't know, maybe uhhh, people like us?" I ask in a sarcastic voice, smirking when both boys turned around to look at me.

"you're new here, aren't you?" the tan one asked me.

"wouldn't you like to know?" I ask with yet another smirk plastered onto my face.

"I'll take that as a yes," the tan skinned boy said and then paused for a minute, staring at me as if to memorize my face just in case he ever saw me again. "what's your name?" he asked after staring at me a little bit longer.

I just laughed and turned my board around, ready to catch a wave back to shore. "that's for me to know and you to find out!" I said while smiling as I looked over my shoulder at the two boys.

"JJ would totally like her." the dark-skinned boy said to the tan one.

I just smiled to myself again and rode my wave back to the shoreline. Hopping off my board and wading through the rest of the water. When i reached the sand, i tucked my board under my arm and took off running back to my house.

But as i was running, for some reason I just couldn't stop thinking about who the boys at the beach were, and who this mystery JJ character was that they spoke so highly about.

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