She nodded, "Exactly. That's why she's such a valuable member of our team." she paused, "Well, their team. I'm just his girlfriend."

I looked at the closed would then went over to the sink to wash the blood off my hand, "It looks like you help calm Shigaraki down. I'd say that's important."

"That's nice of you to say. Sometimes I feel like he just likes getting high off my quirk though."

There was a long silence. I wasn't quite sure how to reply to that. I didn't know much about him or her. Her and I seemed to get along just fine but I wouldn't consider us friends.

"But I'm sure I'm overreacting. I know he loves me." She beamed as I turned around. "He even got me this necklace. There's one jewel that he chose, and one jewel that was passed down from three generations of my family. It means a lot to me." She twirled it in between her fingers.

"That's so sweet. It's very pretty." I grinned.

She kicked her feet a bit, rubbing at the spot that was now completely healed, "You know Dabi has changed a lot since he met you."

My heart fluttered at his name. But to be honest I didn't really want to talk about him with her, worried that it would just go back to Shigaraki.

"Has he?"

Zoe fidgeted with her fingers, "He still hates it there, at the league, but he's less angry."

I couldn't help but keep myself from smiling, "He's changed me too."

Zoe jumped up from the bed and gave me a hug, my arms staying stiff from being caught by surprise, "I better get going. Thanks for helping!"

"Uhm, yeah no problem."

I guess she's not so bad. She's so much different than Shigaraki.

"Oh hey you got here at the same time as me." I smiled, closing the door of my car.

Dabi had gotten a new car. With what I could only assume was stolen or bought with stolen money. It was a similar newer model but dark gray instead.

"I knew what time you got off work so I tried to time it right," He reached into his car, "I got us pizza for dinner."

"Did you just get the kind with all the gross toppings?" I groaned as we both locked our cars and made our way up the stairs.

Dabi chuckled and tapped the box on the top, "Nope. I got a whole second pizza with the stuff you like."

I stopped and looked down at him from the step, "I might just kiss you for that."

He rolled his eyes and used his free hand to slap my ass. I giggled and continued to make my way up the stairs. We got to my door and I unlocked it.

"Oh shit, I forgot hospital bag in the car. You go in I'll meet you in a second." I offered.

Dabi nodded and I ran back downstairs, grabbing my bag and going back up. I was about to open the door when I heard a voice cough from behind me.

I turned my head around to see one of my older neighbors standing there cross armed with a serious face.

Something felt off. I almost felt like I was in trouble.

"Oh hi Miss B." I grinned.

She looked at the door and then back at me, "I don't know what you're doing with that boy, but don't think I'm too old to not realize who he is."

I felt my throat get dry.

"You prance around in and out of this apartment complex thinking no one sees his face. I've seen it plenty." She pointed her finger at me, "I should call the police."

My heart dropped. We really had been so careless. In public he'd wear a mask and hood, but here we figured it was safe. I don't know why. We should've covered his face until we got inside.

She dropped her hand back down to her hip, "But this time I won't."

I froze, "Wait, really?"

Miss B inhaled and continued in a gravely voice, "You must clearly love him to go through all this trouble."

I felt the heat rush to my face, "Oh I don't know about lo—"

"—But only on one condition."

"Yes? What's that?"

She pointed to the door, "I don't want another incident like what happened the other day to occur again. No more dangerous men smashing through your apartment making loud noises and scaring my birds. Got it?"

I gave her quick and firm nods, "Yes ma'am. Thank you."

"Alright then." Miss B turned around towards her door and went back inside.

I could feel my heart beat in my throat. That could have gone so many different ways. So many bad ways.

From now on Dabi and I needed to be more careful.

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