Elijah had stepped back as soon as he heard the others enter, the Original straightening out the nonexistent wrinkles in his suit before responding, "I believe them to be honorable, they did release Nixie to me" he reminded, choosing not to mention the choice amount of slurs the woman had thrown at the witches which only encouraged them to send her with him. "Although" he continued, "they haven't been entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don't want him dead. There must be a reason why."

"You think he has something over them" Nixie quizzed, eyes shooting towards her brother as he invited himself into the room and took his spot beside her.

"A secret weapon" the eldest Dovers guessed, arms crossed as he gauged their reactions.

Elijah was the first to agree, "he uses it to control the witches, Marcel has assembled a small army of vampires. Working together, we could destroy them from the inside."

"And what of Rebekah" Klaus mused, "has she stopped her pouting long enough to join the fun?"

Nixie took Elijah's sigh as a bad sign.

"She has made her disinterest quite clear" he informed, pretending to straighten out the cloth in front of him so that he didn't face Nixie's disappointment.

  Klaus however snorted at the news, "daggered one too many times and shoved in a box, I gather." He flinched when Nixie's hand met hit shoulder and he shot her a glare to which she heavily returned before silently threatening him with another swing.

  "Rebekah may surprise us yet" Elijah stated, or more so hoped, "after all, we all swore the same vow."

  The hybrid rolled his eyes looking pointedly towards the Dovers siblings who stared back in confusion, "Nixie, sweetheart" he started, shooting her an exaggerated grin to which she stared at with narrowed eyes, "why don't you show your pest to his room, I assume he'll be staying with us."

  Gale went to protest his title but his sister was already dragging him out the door before he could spew something to the Mikaelson and he huffed, "dick."

  "He loves you" Nixie assured, leading him up the stairs to the room down the hall from hers and they both marveled the timely decor once they entered.

Pouring himself a drink, Klaus waited until he knew they were no longer in hearing range before bringing up his sister once more, "I hope she stays far away" he muttered, ignoring the look he received from his brother, "because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive vulnerability, one weakness that Marcel can exploit.."

  "And what is that" Elijah quizzed while wiping the drop of bourbon from the mahogany before turning to face him, letting out a pained gasp as the pointed tip of the dagger his brother had been holding entered his chest.

  "You" Klaus revealed, arms wrapping around his brother as his skin began to gray and he silently laid him onto the floor, Elijah's betrayed eyes staring up into his, "forgive me, my brother, but I if I am to protect the woman I love, then I cannot have any distractions getting in my way.. and that includes family. If I am going to win this war, I have to do it alone." The sound of footsteps approaching caused him to shove the desiccated corpse behind the desk and his shot up as Nixie entered the room with a curious expression.

  "Where'd Elijah go" she quizzed, stepping further into the room only for Klaus to appear beside her and practically drag her back out the door.

  "He went to scope" Klaus fibbed, placing a kiss on her knuckles after he linked their hands and he lead them both to the front door where he stopped and shot her a sorry expression, "I'm supposed to be meeting Marcel."

Pure Reluctance (Klaus Mikaelson)  ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now