|RESTORATION| Chapter: 38 Recruitment

Start from the beginning

[Cedric's POV]
You tried following Y/N out of the apartment. But he was already gone.
"Man he's fast." You commented. You then decided to go fetch Javi. You ran to his apartment and knocked on his door.
After a few moments, he answered.
"Cedric? What're you doing here this late?" Javi asked you, seeming tired.
"Sorry, Javi. But something bad just happened." You replied.
"What? What happened?" He asked with concern.
"I was chatting with Y/N at his place when Kayla came by and told us she saw Gabe kissing Clem." You explained.
"What?! Oh no." He responded with shock.
"Y/N stormed out to find him. He is not happy." You explained.
"Shit, he'll kill him. God Dammit, Gabe." Javi cursed before grabbing a jacket.
"C'mon, we've got to find them first." Javi said. You nodded before the both of you ran out of the apartment to find Clem and Gabe. Once outside, you ran into Kayla and AJ and saw that their friends were with them.
"You looking for them too?" Scott asked Javi.
"Yeah. We're looking for them." Javi replied.
"This is bad. If Y/N finds Gabe. Well, he won't kill him, but he'll hurt him for sure." Kirk said.
"Then let's hurry." You replied with urgency.
"Last I saw them, they were in an ally between an old bakery and post office." Kayla explained.
"I know the way, I've had fights in that alley. Follow me." You replied. Once there, you saw that Gabe had a grip on Clem's arm as she tried to get him off of her.
"What the fuck?" You questioned with shock.
"Gabe!" Javi shouted.
"Get the hell off of her, kid!" Scott shouted to him as well.
"GAAAAAAABE!" You heard someone shout from behind you all. You all turned your heads slowly to see Y/N standing there menacingly, under a streetlight.
"Shit." Javi commented.
"Rahhhh!" Y/N screamed before charging past all of you. Towards Gabe.

[Y/N's POV]
You had just arrived to an alley and saw everyone standing there. You looked past them to see Gabe grabbing Clementine's arm.
"GAAAAAAAB!" You shouted with anger and rage. Everyone then looked back at you with worry.
"Shit." Javi commented.
"Rahhhh!" You shouted before charging at Gabe. He looked over at you with shock and fear before you grabbed him by his neck and slammed him into a nearby dumpster, causing it to cave inward.
"Gahhh!" Gabe shouted in pain.
"YOU MOTHER FUCKER! YOU'RE DEAD!" You shouted to him.
"Woah! Y/N, let him go!" Javi shouted to you. You just ignored him.
"Y/N, c'mon man. You're better than this. Put him down." Scott calmly said, walking slowly over to you.
"How dare you touch her. Let alone kiss her. You got a death wish or something?!" You asked him, tightening your grip on his neck. Gabe started gasping for air. He then tried hitting your arm, but you didn't budge.
"Y/N! Please, put him down." Clementine pleaded to you, grabbing your hand. You turned to look at her. She could see the pure rage in your eyes.
"Remember, Y/N. Self control. Don't do anything rash." Clem said, holding your free hand with both of hers.
"But, he-." You replied before she cut you off.
"I know. Know that it was completely against my will. What he did was completely out of line. He... he sexually assaulted me, I know. It was really fucked up. But you can't just kill him over it, okay? We'll find another way to deal with this." Clem explained, walking to your side and placing a hand on your chest.
"Let him go, babe. You're so much better than this and you know it." She cooed to you. You took one last deep breath before exhaling and letting go of Gabe. He fell to the ground and clutched his neck in pain. Javi then ran up to Gabe.
"I'm sorry, Clem. I... almost lost control, again." You apologized, looking to the ground, glumly. Clementine raised your head by your chin and stared into your eyes.
"It's okay. I don't blame you for being mad. After he kissed me, I kneed him in the nuts and gave him and good punch to the face. That way you don't have to beat on him. Now, let's go talk, okay?" She asked you, cupping your cheek.
"Alright. I'm good now. Thanks, babe. You always know how to keep me calm." You replied with a smile. She smiled back before pecking your lips.
"That's my dork." She replied before looking down at Gabe with disdain.
"Hope you learned your lesson. Stay the hell away from me from here on out. Or I'll have Y\N put you in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Sorry Javi, but he deserved everything." Clementine explained to him.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Clem. You too, Y/N. Gabe was way over the line. What the fuck were you thinking, Gabe?!" Javi asked Gabe. Gabe didn't respond. You and Clem then walked over to the others.
"Fuck you, Y/N." Gabe cursed to you. Something snapped in you and you launched over to him and sent a powerful straight kick to his abdomen, sending him flying into another nearby dumpster. Trash and dust flew everywhere after the impact. Clem and Javi just face palmed in response. Gabe just laid there, not being able to stand.
"I don't want you within 100 fucking yards of her, got it?! From here on out, she has a restraining order on you!" You shouted over to Gabe who simply looked up to you with fear. It's as if he could feel your anger. Like the air around had become thicker and more toxic.
"GOT IT?!" You asked again. Gabe simply nodded his head before Javi walked over to him and helped him up.
"Kirk, help Javi take him to the hospital and help their doctor patch him up." You ordered to Kirk.
"Yes sir." Kirk responded, walking over to Gabe and slinging his arm around his shoulder.
"Sorry Javi. I understand if you're mad at me." You apologized.
"It's alright, Y/N. I understand. Just... go on back home and cool off. Come see me tomorrow morning." Javi replied. You nodded before walking back to Clem.
"I uhhh... didn't kill him." You remarked with a weak smile. She shook her head before hugging you.
"No, you didn't." She replied.
"You gonna be alright?" Scott asked you and her.
"He didn't hurt you, did he?" AJ asked Clem.
"No, kiddo. I'm fine." Clem replied to him.
"I'll be alright, Scott. You all should head back to your apartments. I'll see you tomorrow." You suggested to them. Scott, Kirk, and Kayla started walking away, before you called out to Kayla.
"Kayla?" You called to her. She turned to look at you.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"Thank you for letting me know about tonight. But, why didn't you try to help her?" You asked Kayla.
"Wait, you saw what happened?" Clem asked Kayla.
"I only saw the kiss. I didn't think anything else would happen. I'm sorry." Kayla apologetically replied.
"*Sigh* Its fine, Kayla. But next time someone seems I'm trouble, try and help out, okay?" Clem explained to her.
"S-sure. See you later." Kayla replied before walking away.
"I thought Y/N would be mad and possibly break up with Clem after I told him. But that didn't happen. They're too loyal to each other. Dammit." Kayla cursed.
Cedric then walked up to you, Clem, and AJ.
"You alright, man?" Cedric asked.
"Yeah, still kinda pissed. But I'm good. Thanks for trying to help. Honestly, if not for Clem here, I probably would've really hurt Gabe. Even more than I did with that kick I gave him. He definitely has a few broken ribs. He'll be out of commission for a bit." You explained, rubbing your eyes with disappointment.
"I wouldn't sweat it man. He had it coming." Cedric replied. He then looked over to Clem.
"Hi, Clem." Cedric greeted her.
"Cedric." Clementine coldly replied, still upset with him about the night prior.
"Yeah, I uhhh... deserve that. Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted last night. It was completely wrong and stupid of me. For some dumb reason, I was trying to impress my friends." Cedric genuinely apologized. Clem glared at him for a bit before responding.
"*Sigh* Y/N said he saw something in you and knew you weren't a bad guy. And I kinda see it too. Just don't be going around and acting like that again, or we'll have problems." Clementine replied.
"I won't. I won't act stupid like that anymore. You have my word. So, we cool?" Cedric asked her.
"Yeah, we're cool." Clementine replied with a smile, offering Cedric her hand. He smiled back and shook hand with Clem before looking to you.
"Gotta say, it feels good to be in both of your good graces now. I need to apologize to my friends tomorrow as well. I've been kind of a dick to them lately. You really changed me, Y\N. After just one fight." Cedric explained with a chuckle.
"Guess that's another power I have." You jokingly replied.
"I guess so. Well, it was good chatting with you tonight. I gotta get back home, make sure my little sister's in bed. Feel free to stop by later tomorrow. I'd like to talk more. Later." Cedric replied before placing his hands in his pockets and walking off.
"We should do the same. Helping Kate today was actually difficult. I'm beat." Clementine explains with a yawn.
"So you were actually helping her today. Gabe didn't lie about that." You replied.
"No, he didn't. But enough about him. Let's go." Clementine responded.
"Are you going to see Cedric again tomorrow?" AJ asked you as you all started walking back to your apartment.
"Actually, I feel like he'll come to us tomorrow. He's pretty cool AJ. What do you think about him?" You asked AJ.
"Well, I like him more now that he apologized to all of us. He's nice now. And his hair is so cool." AJ replied with enthusiasm.
"Yeah, his hair is pretty cool. But not as cool as yours." You said, messing with AJ's Afro.
"Hehe, stop it." AJ giggled, trying to swat your hand away.
After you arrived at your apartment, you took off your running shoes that you got from Javi recently and set them by the door. You then walked to the kitchen and saw that Cedric left his jacket and his case of beer.
"Don't think he would mind if I kept the beer." You said while pulling out a bottle and opening it.
"Ugh, more beer? That's all you." Clementine said.
"It's an acquired taste, just like Scott said. You gotta drink more of it for it to get better." You replied before taking a sip.
"Mhm. Not happening." She replied.
"Suit yourself." You responded before setting your beer down, walking over to her and hugging her from behind.
"What do you think Javi wants to talk to me tomorrow about?" You asked her. She hugged your arms that were hugging her from behind.
"Probably about what to do with Gabe. I mean, he's gonna be out for a bit. So Javi might want you to fill in for whatever work Gabe had to do." Clementine replied, quite cleverly.
"Shit, I didn't even think about that. Oh well. If it needs done then I'll do it." You responded, kissing her neck. She moaned with pleasure before responding.
"I know you will. Your just nice like that." Clem said before turning to you and wrapping her arms around your neck.
"You know. You and AJ have both stopped me from chocking someone to death." You remarked.
"Oh, I guess so. AJ stopped you from choking Louis and I stopped you today with Gabe." Clem replied.
"That's right. You two are the chains that hold back the worst side of me." You glumly explained. Clem then cupped your cheek.
"Hey, you'll overcome that side of you someday. You've been getting better with it for a while now." Clementine replied, caressing your cheek.
"Thanks. I've been trying." You said. She then planted her lips onto your in a passionate kiss. This lasted for about 10 seconds before she broke it.
"Don't be ashamed of it, babe. You can't help it." Clem explained before breaking the hug and walking to AJ's room to put him to bed. You smiled before grabbing your beer and taking a sip. You then walked over to the window and gazed at the city under the moonlight. You thought to yourself about the future. Your future, with your friends, with your new friends, and with Clem and AJ.
"I want to end this war as quick as possible. That way I can finally settle down, with Clem and start a family together. I'm sure AJ would love to be an older brother." You thought, watching people's lights shutting off in the homes and apartments of Richmond, meaning people were turning in for the night. You decided to do the same and walked into your room. Clementine entered shortly after you and climbed in bed with you. The both of you shared a goodnight kiss before drifting off to sleep.

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