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"We dreamt a new life

someplace to be at peace"


The wooden legs of the chair scraped along the cold, stone floor, filling the empty silence. Petra stood from her chair, shocked. But I can't love him. He's my Captain and I'm his subordinate. There's no way he could love me back. Ugh, I'm so lame, Petra thought, her eyes started to well up with tears, confusing her crazy friend who walked over to her.

"Look, Petra. I told you. Maybe loving Levi isn't that bad. You should spend more time with him, although you already spend lots with him." Hange spoke the last part, wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk on her face. 

"What?!" Petra exclaimed, burying her face in her palms as her face heated up with a light pink color. "I'm gonna go now. It's getting late." Petra looked over at the small clock on her titan-crazed friend's desk, reading "10:27" on the small device. She quickly hugged her friend tightly before running off to the sleeping quarters. Hange's lab was on the other side of the headquarters, creating a long journey to her destined location.

She made her way up the stairs, and towards her room, passing Levi's room on the way. The door was an inch ajar, giving her a little space to peek inside. There he sat, his eyes wide, his hands flat on the table, fingers spaced out perfectly. His bangs covered his eyes slightly, making his expression darken.

"C-captain?" Petra asked, peeking her head through the space between the door and the wall. Levi's head shot up piercing holes into her eyes when he stared at her.

"Yes?" He asked plainly, looking back down at his empty desk. Petra felt a tickling sensation in her stomach when he spoke, a rosy shade of pink dusting her cheeks. She looked down to hide her face when she spoke.

"I- Never mind." Petra flaked, rushing into her room and shutting the door harshly. The door closed with a loud sound, a large sigh escaping her mouth as she walked over to her bed. This is too much for me, she thought. Petra was overwhelmed with her sudden realization, her stress level rising as a headache made its way to her head. She let her body fall onto her bed, pulling her blanket over her.

Levi sat there, confused. Is it okay if I love her? She's my subordinate and I'm her Captain. Our rankings aren't equal. I'm her superior. And how could she possibly love me back. It's a drastic thought to even think she could love me. I understand that she's nice to me, but she's nice to everyone. She's so perfect, Levi let his hands fall onto his desk, his hair covering his eyes. He felt the sensation of crying, but no tears came out. He was utterly broken and alone.

"C-captain?" A melodic voice tickled his ear, making him want to look up from his current position. His head shot up in a sharp movement, for a second just so he could get a quick glimpse of her face. Her auburn hair tucked behind her ear, little wisps sticking out, framing her face. Her brown eyes sparkling with potential, her presence giving off bright colors of yellow and orange.

"Yes?" Levi asked her, not wanting to say anything wrong after his conversation with a certain blonde-haired male.

"I- Never mind." Petra spoke before she ran off to her room. Levi stood from the chair, going over to Petra's room, and peeking in. Her eyes were shut, as her bright, auburn hair was spread wildly along her pillows.

"You will never understand what you do to me, Ral." Levi spoke under his breath, shutting the door as quietly as he could, before turning to be faced by a certain scientist.

"Levi! I have a question for you!" Hange yelled incredibly loudly, her voice echoing through the stone halls. Her assistant, Moblit. tried to shush her loud tone, as it was quite late at night, but she just brushed him off.

"How did you get here so quickly? Isn't your lab on the other side of the headquarters?" Levi questioned, his eyes somewhat widened from the rude awakening of his friend.

"So Levi, I have a question especially for you." Hange danced around as she spoke, completely disregarding Levi's question, "Do you love Petra?" She asked him.

"Fuck this shit. I'm not going through this again." Levi stated as he walked into his room and shutting his door, ignoring all of Hange's cries for him to come back.

"What does again mean?" Hange asked her self, "ERWIN!"

Petra awoke with a start. Her body tiredly rolled over on her bed, her figure collided with the ground, causing Petra to groan in pain. She pushed herself off of the floor with a swift movement.

"What the hell? I slept for 20 minutes. And why was Hange yelling so late at night?" Petra asked herself as she opened her door so she could comprehend what was happening. The second she opened her door, Hange's yells got twice as loud, the repetitive "ERWIN!" now ringing in her ears as she shut her door once more before flopping back onto her bed.


Petra wore her uniform around the headquarters, as the new cadets were coming over to start their own training for the Survey Corps. Her boots were harnessed, her shirt was delicately tucked in, no wrinkles or mishaps in sight.

Petra walked out of the castle-like building and into the gardens. The gardens and fields that ever so consistently appeared in her dreams. Her dreams of Levi, specifically. She could feel her cheeks warm up at the thought of him. Shaking her head, she continued her stroll through the fields.

"Petra. Are you sick?" A deep voice spoke, making Petra spin around. Levi's steel eyes stared at her, his hair moving faintly in the breeze, "Your cheeks are red, are you not feeling well?". He asked once more, walking up to her and placing his hand on her forehead. Their faces were very close to each other, the only thing separating them was Levi's hand.

"I'm okay." Petra spoke, breaking the not-so-sexual tension that surged between the pair. She sat down under a tree, receiving shade from the sun above. Levi sat down beside her, bending his leg up so his arm could rest on top.

"Captain?" Petra asked, reluctantly, her voice shaking from her nerves.

"Hm?" He asked, not turning to face her, still looking off into the distance.

"I don't know if we're going to make it out of this alive, but if we do, do you think we could put all of this behind us?" Petra asked him, turning to face him, "I mean together, leave all of this behind us." Her face started to redden as she turned back away, burying her face in her knees.

"Where would we go?" Levi asked her, his arm making its way around her shoulders. It was an out of character action, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"I think I want to see the ocean. I heard about it, and it just sounds so beautiful. It's described as a large body of water that stretches out so far you can't see where it ends," Petra spoke, lifting her head from her knees as she spoke in a dreamy tone, "but, anywhere with you is fine... that would make it home." Petra said, turning to face Levi with a smile on her face.

"I think that sounds nice. It sounds peaceful. That could probably be arranged." Levi said, relaxing against the tree, keeping good posture, "But we need to stay focused. Let us continue this conversation after the Expedition. You know the plan." Levi stood, holding his hand out to Petra, lifting her off the ground.

"Yes, Levi." She spoke, using his name. She realized her mistake, quickly springing into action to fix it. "I mean Captain! Yes, Captain." Petra scrambled to get into a salute position, as Levi let the corner of his mouth slip up a bit while a small laugh escaped his lips. 

"I told you," Levi leaned in towards her ear as his hot breath tickled her earlobe, "Call me Levi." And with that, he walked off.

Petra was left alone in the garden, shocked. Did he not mind me calling his by his name? Well, we were alone, and he said it was fine a while ago, but what if he was just being nice- Petra! Stop overthinking things, Petra thought before rushing off behind Levi.

Author's Note: Welcome back anyone who is here for the edits haha sorry for the hiatus! Does anyone want smut later on? If you do, i might be writing a nice little 50 shades of grey parody for rivetra, but if you kept up with my announcements then you should've known haha. neways.... let me know if you want me to write the 50 shades or grey book!

-Certified Weeb

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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