Author's Note (Don't Skip!)

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Hey there friend! This story follows the lyrics of the song, Call Your Name which is the "theme song" for RivEtra. The story will start a month before the 57th expedition. ok... great! Enjoy the story! The song is included in the media above (The picture in the bkg is dead Petra... oof). I do not own Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin and i also don't own Call Your Name (the song I'm using), so yea... I basically own nothing. YAAAAY! no like i literally own nothing. I have no pride or dignity. YIPEEEEEEEE! nae nae killua! 

- s w a g a l i c i o u s 

(Also, thank you to all of those at the premiere of the first 3 chapters!)

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