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"She said she gave all her love to me"

part 1...


It was early in the morning. The sun was still out of sight, and the cold morning wind blew through open windows of Levi's room. Levi sat at his desk, his hand clenching around a ball of paperwork that Erwin had given him. He couldn't seem to focus. His mind was somewhere else. A place that resides an orange haired girl by the name of Petra Ral.

"Fuck Eyebrows, Fuck Four-Eyes, Fuck everyone." Levi mumbled under his breath, his hands grasping at his hair, frustratedly. He just wanted to curl up in a ditch, but he couldn't. He had to go train for the upcoming expedition.

Cursing Hange for making him leave his room so early, he quickly scribbled the writing down on the uncrumpled papers until a certain someone popped into his room.

"Levi, Did you finish tho-" Erwin started, stopping himself mid-sentence due to the menacing glare that Levi gave him. His eyes, staring daggers into Erwin's soul, dark circles surrounding them. His body, emitting an aura so dark it could be sensed from Wall Sheena.

Erwin froze in the doorway, his eyebrows fidgeting swiftly, like caterpillars being poked by a stick. Levi groaned as he leaned on his desk, messing up the papers even more.

"Levi, come on." Erwin spoke up loudly, walking up to Levi who was still in his disgruntled state. It was weird. Levi looked so messed up, but so clean at the same time. Erwin placed a large hand on Levi's small shoulder. His head flicked towards Erwin, a small look of disgust plastered on his face. He eyed the dirt on Erwin's hand.

Originally, Levi would start yelling at anyone who made physical contact with him, but Erwin was his superior. He couldn't do that. So he just sighed, and looked down at the unfinished paperwork.

"What's wrong with me?" Levi asked. His face, blank and stern, yet so many emotions flooded his eyes. Anger. Frustration. Sadness. Worry. Confusion. But most of all, the feeling of longingness. Like a weight was on his shoulders. A weight of his problems and troubles, and he was longing for something or someone that could just lift away that weight.

"You seem stressed." Erwin said, pinching the bridge of his nose while his eyebrows bent inward, into a "v" shape, "Well, that makes sense. There is an expedition soon. But you need to go train. We are using the Long-Distance enemy Scouting Formation.".

Erwin ended his statement and walked out of Levi's room. His loud footsteps fading out as he walked into the distance. Levi stood up, pushing his chair back as he stood. This wasn't like him. He felt so out of character. It wasn't like him to be unfocused. Not wanting to train and push his squad past their limits.

There wasn't any evaluated explanation or excuse for what he felt, so he just blamed it on the upcoming expedition like Erwin did. Walking down from his room to the training grounds, Levi passed the ajar kitchen door, eavesdropping on Hange and Petra's conversation.

"What's love, Hange?" Petra asked her best friend, shaking from the realization that she might love her superior. Hange simply walked up to Petra and grabbed both her hands. Expecting something a little sentimental from Hange Petra looked up at her, until she saw Hange's smile.

"So, you admit you love shortie?" She snickered, making a weird face that showed the fact that she was joking.

"W-What?! Who said t-that?!" Petra stuttered, waving her hands in front of her face as she walked backwards, bumping into the kitchen counter. Petra just sighed from her clumsiness and went to her room, the dishes still partially unwashed. Laughing to herself, Hange walked towards the sink and stared at the unwashed dishes, contemplating on helping.

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