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Start from the beginning

Both of the girl's watched as a group of resistance pilots entered the group. Including Poe, the pilot who introduced them yesterday. "Isn't he looking damn hot?", Chloe chuckled, but Aayla just grimaced. "Not at all.", she answered. Chloe looked shocked at Aayla. "If you don't think he's hot, who do you think is hot then?", Chloe asked. Aayla just shrugged, taking another sip of her water. She watched as Poe smiled with his friends, then sat down on a table near to theirs. "I think he looks quite good.", Chloe then said, turning her head to Aayla again. Aayla smirked at the girl and raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you say hot before?", she asked out loud, gaining the attention of some of the pilots. "Hush!", the blonde immediately interrupted her, feeling as heat went to her cheeks.

"You definitely said that the pilot was hot.", Aayla repeated out loud. Now all the pilots' eyes from Poe's table were on them. Chloe's face was as red as some of the pilot's uniforms. Aayla smirked at the girl, feeling everyone watching them. That was what woke Eliora up. She rubbed her eyes, putting her hair out of her face. Dark circles were under her eyes because of the lack of sleep. "Who's hot?", she questioned, her voice tired and raspy. Chloe's hand immediately found Eliora's mouth, shutting it, so she wouldn't be able to say anything else.

Eliora put Chloe's hand away and then looked around her. All eyes were drawn on their table. She didn't know any of them, before she met some special ones. Dark brown eyes met middle brown ones. She was directly looking at Poe, who had a blank face expression. Eiora's gaze turned back to a chuckling Aayla. "Why's everyone looking at us?", the brunette wanted to know desperately. The situation was quite embarrassing for her. Chloe hid her face behind her hands and groaned. Aayla just continued to laugh, clearly ignoring all the people looking at them. Eliora had to save the situation somehow. "Don't get high hopes boys, she's talking about a girl.", Eliora shrugged, standing up and giving her two new friends a sign to leave. That's when some pilots began to chuckle and soon after the whole cantina was filled with laughter, more women laughter than man one. Chloe looked at Eliora, giving her a thankful look. And that's how the three left the cantina.

Eliora and Aayla stood in front of a small crowd, waiting for anyone to teach them how to fly. That was what Eliora wanted to become. A pilot. And even tho she didn't have any experience, she had confidence. And sometimes confidence brings someone further than experience. So the brunette smiled as she watched a female pilot making her way to them. "You must be Eliora and Aayla, right?", the female asked. She had brown, nearly black long hair and a big smile on her face. Eliora smiled back, nodding her head, but Aayla just stood there frozen. Only when Eliora slammed her elbow into the girl's stomach, she moved. She coughed embarrassed and smiled, nodding her head like Eliora had done before. "I'm Jessica Pava. Black Squadron. I'll teach you both.", she grinned at them. "But just call me Jess.", she added quickly.

Excitement built in Eliora. This wasn't a dream, this was real. Actually real. "Unfortunately we don't have much time to prepare. Our pilots are needed.", Jess explained to both of the girls. Eliora's eyes wandered in the room they were in. She watched other pilots. Some of them didn't look amused at all, rather unhappy and annoyed. That made Eliora cock an eyebrow. Weren't new pilots needed? Her gaze quickly went back to Jess. "Let's just say, some of our squadron did some stubborn things. So as a punishment they have to teach the new ones. Don't get me wrong, I volunteered from the beginning on, but Poe and Snap for example, were obliged to teach you. The General punished them.", Jess explained, having seen Eliora's confused face.

"I'm happy to be able to teach you all I know. But there are some stubborn pilots in my squadron, that would rather fight than teaching you.", Jess continued. Aayla focused on the way she talked, the way she moved. She thought Jess looked really good. And she felt herself getting lost in Jess's eyes. Eliora nodded understandingly. "You know there are some hot pilots and I'm sorry you didn't get them-", Jess began laughing awkwardly. "Totally fine for me.", Aayla interrupted quickly, lips pressed together. Eliora chuckled softly at her friend. "They aren't as hot.", she quickly added, not wanting to make the situation weirder. Eliora chuckled even more. "I know right. I don't know what some girls have with them. I don't like men either, maybe this is the reason why I'm just not able to find them attractive.", Jess answered to Aayla. "You don't like men?", Aayla smiled at her. "No, I prefer women.", she shrugged.

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