Ch.5 The Date (Revision)

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By the power vested in me, I declare it's the weekend because of plot, and that I'm in a huge writers block right now.

8 AM
Midoriya woke up in Yaoyorozu's room once again. It had been a couple of days since he had slept in his own room, let alone spend more than five minutes in it.

Every time he would go to his room to sleep, Yaoyorozu would insist on sleeping in her room together. Wherever he went, she went. And vise versa. It's not like he didn't mind. Midoriya loves his girlfriends company, but sometimes he wished he could get some alone time. Maybe even some time to hang out with his friends.

But whenever he tried to spend time with his male classmates his girlfriend was always at his side. Yaoyorozu's presence was enough to strike fear into them. Especially the females of the class. Namely Ochako Uraraka and Kyoka Jiro.

Midoriya looked at Yaoyorozu who had her arms wrapped around him. Still sleeping.

Midoriya then thought about his encounter with Kyoka Jiro. That she was willing to talk to him, despite how his girlfriend acted. There was a couple of times where he would go in front of her room and tempted to knock on the door. But every time he was about to he stopped himself.

He would feel guilty if he talked to her. Namely because of his relationship. Yaoyorozu had set clear boundaries and he wasn't about to break it just like that.

'That would basically be cheating right?' Midoriya though to himself

Looking at Yaoyorozu, Midoriya admired her. Of course he loves her for her personality, that's what mainly drew him to grow feelings for her. But Midoriya couldn't fathom her beauty.

To Midoriya she was the most attractive girl he had seen. He also loved seeing her hair down. As much as he liked her spiked ponytail, it couldn't compare to how it is when it's down.

But Midoriya couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious. From what many people say he was really 'plain'.

'Why would somebody wanna be with someone as plain as me?' Midoriya thought to himself

It also didn't help that he wasn't as tall as Yaoyorozu. But in her mind she didn't care at all about his height, but he doesn't know that. Midoriya's knows that he shouldn't care about appearances. But the thought of people seeing them together was always on the back of his mind. The beauty of Momo Yaoyorozu and the plainness from Izuku Midoriya. It didn't sit right with him. Maybe if he tried to dress better, maybe even use a little makeup? Just maybe he could look better for Yaoyorozu.

Then Yaoyorozu started to wake up. She saw that Midoriya was already away and looking right back at her. When she saw her boyfriend he instantly smiled.

"Good Morning Izuku!" She greeted her boyfriend

"G-Good Morning Momo" he greeted back

"Are you excited for our date later today?" She asked him excitedly

"Of course I am" Midoriya responded nervously

"I'm glad, now cmon let's go get something to eat for breakfast, our date isn't until five" Yaoyorozu informed him while getting up from the bed.

Midoriya then got up and began to stretch. He was still getting used to sleeping with Yaoyorozu being on top of him. It was a tad bit straining on him, confused on how she found laying on him comfortable at all. But he wasn't going to complain. The two made their way to the kitchen and made breakfast for themselves.

While eating Kirishima had came up to Midoriya.

"Hey Midoriya, wanna train with Bakugou, Kaminari, and I?"

My bunny~ (Clingy/Obsessive/Bit Yandere Momo x Izuku) {Adopted from FL09_09}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang