
Start from the beginning

Because she had a lot on her plate of course! But two people did. And that was Jimin and his soulmate, Mi Eun.

Taehyung was closest to Jimin as always and Jimin noticed his best friend's interest in the police officer. Every time Soo-Ah was around the dorms, Jimin noticed his best friend's eyes wandering around her.

And the Mochi shared it with his soulmate.

Since then, even Mi Eun began watching the vocal, more carefully when Soo-Ah was around. Surely, Taehyung's demeanour shifted whenever the 'best friend' was around.

So, Jimin went for it. He cornered the younger one day after practice and asked directly!

"Taehyung-ah, do you perhaps like Soo-Ah-ssi?" Jimin asked as they both lay on the practice room floor. Taehyung choked on his water bottle and then, blushed. After much pestering, Taehyung admitted to having a teeny-tiny crush on Mishil's best friend. And like an idiot, Jimin believed him.

Until the day when the whole lie was thrown out of the window by Taehyung himself.

The day they found out about Namjoon and Mishil's bond. Sora had called Soo-Ah, and let's just say that didn't go well.

She freaked out of her mind and hastily wrapped up the case and rushed back to Seoul. She'd rushed into the dorm, a little past dawn, and let's just say she looked utterly distraught!

She had known her best friend longer than anyone in the room and she knew what she would tend to do in this case. Shut herself out, and cry to an extent of being almost drained of energy and have no interest in doing anything. And Soo-Ah knew once Mishil slipped into that place, it would be hard to bring her out.

Before she could rush in and wake every single being in the dorm up, someone grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to the balcony of the dorm. In the dim light of the morning, Soo-Ah found herself staring at a familiar pair of warm brown eyes.

Taehyung's fingers clasped around her clothed wrist but Soo-Ah felt the heat burning heat where their skins were separated by a mere piece of cotton.

"Let me go! I want to see her." Soo-Ah demanded, trying to tug her wrist away from Taehyung's grip. "Calm down for one damn second and listen to me!" There was something in Taehyung's deep, threatening and hushed voice that stilled Soo-Ah.

"She's fine. Namjoon Hyung's with her. Let them be." Taehyung demanded, wanting nothing more than just to calm her frantic eyes. They looked soo lost and helpless!

"No! I can't! I need to see her. I need to make sure, she's alright! I'm her best friend, for God's Sake!" "SHE'S MY HYUNG'S LIFELINE! Don't pretend like you're the only one who's worried about her because, in that room, there's someone whose life depends on her. And if he had to let her go, he wouldn't have come home crying and holding her!"

Taehyung's loud voice made Soo-Ah flinch! She had never seen him lose his cool and the way he tugged at the roots of his hair, he too was scared. For his Hyung. For Mishil.

Soo-Ah slumped down, leaning against the glass railing of the balcony. Quite sobs shook her body as she finally realized how hard it was on Mishil. To have lost her whole family, for a bond that was no easier than it seemed. But she still had accepted fate. Like she always did.

And now, no one could help her. Taehyung sat beside her, his hair a huge puff from all the pulling and tugging.

"Why her? Why her of all people? Hasn't she had it hard enough?" Soo-Ah asked no one in particular. "They'll make it! I know they will. Because Namjoon Hyung would do anything but let Mishil go! I know my Hyung well enough." Taehyung said, looking up at the sky. Trying hard to not cry.

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