Psalms 3:5

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"I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me."
          ~Psalm 3:5

When the Lord is near, we are safe under His wing. When we ask for protection as we sleep, He will keep His hand gently over us. He wakes us in the morning, presenting us with the gift of a new dawn.

Doesn't this make you realize how mighty and awesome our God is? He didn't have to create us. He doesn't really need us to do anything. He is perfectly capable of doing everything Himself. We are naturally rebellious toward Him. We don't deserve forgiveness and mercy.

But yet God gave us both and more! When we repent, He wipes the memory of our sin away as if it never happened. Instead of giving us the judgment we so justly deserve, God sacrificed His son so that we could live!!! That is how much He cares for us!

He loves us that much. He loves his children so much that He sustains us every night when we sleep. He provides the air and oxygen we need to wake up and start a new day! He wakes us up each morning because He has a purpose for our lives. He has a reason for our existence!

Don't take your relationship with God for granted! Place your life into His hands like clay in the hands of the potter. Surrender to Him fully!

Remember, God doesn't need us to do anything, but yet, He still chooses to wake us every morning. He still chooses to have an intimate relationship with us. He has a purpose for our lives. He adopted us as His children!

If God woke you up this morning, He is not finished with what He has planned for you.

     ~Lily (lilyflower1603)

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