"What makes you think I'm teasing you?" Camila asked her voice low and raspy, her tone unexpectedly evocative.

Lauren smiled and leant forward in an attempt to bring their lips together, laughing softly as Camila moved her head back a little, just out of reach.

"That does," Lauren answered her knowingly. "I have to admit that you're surprisingly good at it though Camz," She praised. "Everyone thinks that you're so sweet and innocent. If they only knew..." she trailed off thoughtfully, remembering all the times that Camila had tried to initiate something between them.

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not?" Camila asked with a confused expression on her face.

"You should," Lauren informed Camila, lifting her hand and depositing some more suds on the tip of her girlfriend's nose with the back of it.

Camila made a move to wipe them away again but Lauren caught her small wrist with her hand and held it still, causing Camila to tilt her head slightly as she studied Lauren, their eyes fixed on each other's. One side of Camila's mouth lifted in a smile as she noticed the silent challenge in her girlfriend's green orbs and she lifted her other hand quickly to try and swipe at the soapy lather where it still sat, but, Lauren's free hand shot up almost instantly and seized Camila's again, stopping her once more.

"Well played Lauren," Camila said evidently entertained by the game. "Now what?" she asked her.

"Now nothing," Lauren told her beaming.

"So we just stand here?" Camila asked her laughing.

"We just stand here," Lauren confirmed.

"You really didn't think this through at all did you?" Camila questioned and Lauren furrowed her brow as though thinking.

"Not really, no." She admitted and Camila's eye's glinted impishly.

"What?" Lauren asked her, noticing the change.

"Nothing," Camila replied evasively.

"Camz..." Lauren pressed tentatively, just as Camila ducked her head forward and rubbed her nose against her girlfriend's cheek, solving her problem instantly and passing it over to Lauren.

Camila withdrew her head again grinning from ear to ear, her face glowing happily as she watched Lauren's internal dilemma.

"Your move," Camila said simply, her tone light and cocky.

"Oh, so it's like that is it?" Lauren asked, pressing her back up against the sink firmly. "I see..."

"Lauren don't," Camila warned as Lauren lifted both their hands up and moved them back behind her so that they were hovering over the full sink, pulling the smaller girl closer against her in the process.

"Why not?" Lauren asked and Camila didn't have time to respond before both her hands and the majority of her sweater sleeves were dunked unceremoniously in to the warm water of the sink.

"I can't believe you just..." Camila started to complain but, she was so close to Lauren now that all the taller girl had to do was tilt her head forward slightly in order to connect their lips together and cut her off tersely.

Camila tried to move her head back but Lauren held her girlfriends' wrists in place and rendered it impossible for her to do so, keeping her small body pressed against her own securely. As soon as Camila felt Lauren trace her tongue across her bottom lip however, she forgot their game and opened her mouth eagerly to accept it, deepening the kiss, her arms relaxing as she sunk even closer into her girlfriend, her hips forcing Lauren's against the sink further.

Trials and Tribulations (Camren) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن