Hiragana Digraphs

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As mentioned in the previous chapter, in Hiragana the Y-Column has 3 characters. These characters are responsible for creating the digraphs. For those who aren't familiar with the word "Digraph", it is basically two characters used side by side creating a single sound. You pronounce it by gliding the first sound over another. You'll know what I'm talking about in a few.
Let's see the letters from the Y-Column once again. These are:

や (ya)
ゆ (yu)
よ (yo)

The digraphs are:

に + ゆ = にゅ(nyu)
に + よ = にょ(nyo)
ひ/び/ぴ + や = ひゃ(hya)/びゃ(bya)/ぴゃ(phya)
ひ/び/ぴ + ゆ = ひゅ(hyu)/びゅ(byu)/ぴゅ(phyu)
ひ/び/ぴ + よ = ひょ(hyo)/びょ(byo)/ぴょ(phyo)
み + や = みゃ(mya)
み + ゆ = みゅ(myu)
み + よ = みょ(myo)
り + や = りゃ(rya)
り + ゆ = りゅ(ryu)
り + よ = りょ(ryo)

NOTE: While writing a digraph the letters of the Y-column should be smaller in size. Remember the "Chiisai tsu" or "small tsu"? It's similar to that. The writing style I mean.

NOTE: While pronouncing the sounds produced from the digraph we can see that the i-sound of the consonant is omitted. We need to be very careful with it as it can mean a different word if you pronounce the i-sound.

NOTE: The letters of the Y-Column can create digraphs but that doesn't mean you can't use it as a separate character. In that case you will write the character in its original size i.e the size which you maintain while writing any other hiragana character.

This chapter might seem small but there's a lot to know in here. I hope I didn't disappoint you all. Thank you for your support. Hopefully in the next chapter we will see the use of different Hiragana characters as a grammatical particle.

Till then...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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