Family's interrogation

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"Is this your town?" Draco English fine voice says.

"Yes, I told you it wasn't the best but well it was home." I say looking at the welcome poster. We drive past and observe the small town that is kind of the town of Gilmore girls, only here people weren't that fun.

"So, what're you going to do when you see your ex-lover?" He asks in annoyed tone.

"Nothing, just ignore it. Promess you won't let me be alone, you came with me you won't leave me alone." I say guiding him to the only "nice" house.

"What are you going to say about us?" He asks.

"Well I'll say you are my friend." I say stopping in the nice yard of the house.

"Seriously?" He asks in a surprised tone.

"Don't be flattered. I do it because I can't say like hey I came with a fictional character." I say trying to defuse the tension, the truth was I was shitting my pants and I could stop thinking about what could happen. I open the door and go out of the car. I see the same house that brought me so much problems but I came with more and a British blonde boy. Draco takes out our bags and we ring the bell. Breathe 1,2,3, breathe, 1,2,3. The door starts to open, I take Draco's hand, not because I want, just because I think I'm having a panic attack. In the door is my brother Anthony. He dosn't look like me if you are asking, he has blonde and has blue eyes.

"Kall hey, nice to see you again sis. I missed your beautiful face in the hou-" He stops when he notice I'm not alone. "Oh you brought someone. HA! Mom owes me 50 dollars. Mom, Kall brought a guy." He shouts to the inside of the house.

"Hi nice to meet you. Draco Melart." Draco takes his hand out waiting for him to shake but Anthony hugs him.

"Kall brought a guy?" Mom asks from the inside.

"Hello mom. Nice to see you after two years. I literally told you last week."

"Oh sorry it might have been on my pilates class." She says, she comes to the door in her gym clothes. "Well come in. We have another five rooms for you choose to Draco." Mom shows the lobby.

"Thank you Mrs. Zabini for having me here. I hope I don't interrupt anything." He says with a smile, I could see my mom's eyes shine. Lucky bastard.

"Oh you are British. Of course you aren't interrupting, you are part of the family along Camille and Edward." Oh shit, oh shit, please don't tell me they are here. "They will be back soon from their apartment, anyways come in. Your grandfather is in the living room."

"Someone called me?" A deep but old voice says.

"Thomas, this is Kall's boyfriend." Mom let us in into the house.

"Boyfriend? She told me-" he stops when he noticed who is my supposed boyfriend.

"Young Draco. Nice to see you here, I'm glad to see you and Kallista together." Gee, thanks grandpa now mom is asking.

"You've met each other before?" Anthony asks.

"Obviously, I'm a great fiend with Draco's parents. Actually I had to cancell this month dinner because I was here. How is your dad's club going?" I could see mom's face shine more than ever and all I could think is what I could do to avoid this conversations.

"Actually we don't have that much time, I'm going to show Draco the town." I say grabbing his wrist and guiding him upstairs. "Where is dad?" I ask while we enter the room.

"Oh he's actually bringing Camille's staff you know. She's moving in here. I'm surprised she hasn't ask you to be her made of honor." Anthony says while he accompanies us.

"Oh well it's been two years." I guide Draco to a separate room, it could be the nicest guest room.

"Actually Edward and Camille will come soon, why don't we-" Antony says but it's interrupted by the bell. "That must be them, let's go." He runs to the first floor and Draco and I stay in there.

"I think I'm the new son of the family." He jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah Draco. We are the Weasleys, is like if you were another Weasley and you are friend with ginny Weasley." I joke but he seemed kind of sad.

"Friends? I'm your boyfriend." The tone almost sound serious but when he starts to laugh I laughed too.

"Sure Malfoy. Now let's go, oh wait go ahead and I'll be in a minute." He goes downstairs while I search in my old room for a box of pop tarts that haven't passed the date yet so I take one pack. While I go downstairs I could hear Camille's voice.

"Uuuu, British. I like European man, why are you here anyways?" Camille asks in her dulcet voice but until now I realize how irritating it was. I descend the stairs and look at the two siblings. Edward same piece of shit, he wasn't that hot, just he was the hottest in town and Camille had her fake smile when she saw me.

"Camille, Edward. Nice to see you again." I greet the most respectful way I can.

"Kallista, glad to see you here. Do you know this young man?" Camille says while she pass an arm through his shoulders only causing me to roll my eyes.

"Of course he came with me. We just arrived here from London." shit, okay here's the deal, I wasn't supposed to tell anybody about where I studied. Like it was part of my secret and not even mom knew, just grandpa.

"London? Do you go to college there?" Mom joined the conversation, oh my god just wait for dad to arrive and I could tell everybody there.

"Yeah, where are you attending?" Anthony asks with a big smile, he was the golden boy. He didn't had great grades but well he could go to college do something, not getting married and living with your parents.

"Yes I do mom, not in London. In Oxford. If you'll excuse us, Draco really wants to see the town and well he came here to visit America not to see my family's interrogation." Oh boy, kill me now, we go outside and started walking. "You know what, we could always scape. Actually I'm going to check some where can we scape to at this time. Have it, we go to New York. Let's go. We can-" I try to say but he interrupts.

"Kallista Zabini, god I love the name. Do you realize I'm Draco and yo are Zabini, we both have harry potters name. And no Kallista we'll stay here for the other three days and then we ca go. Actually I was going just to ask, I was invited to the summer ball in New York and well I have no date so will you go with me?" Draco asks.

"Of course Mr. Malfoy. I will be very very honored to go with you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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