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I arrive to my dorm and quickly open the book. I have never read the book, my grandfather is such a weird person that somehow it makes me feel I shouldn't be reading the book, I open it and check the editorial information. And then the book dedication, to kallista, the most beautiful greek girl. My grandfather and I had a really good relationship, he currently is helping me pay for my education, it was pretty expensive but he insisted and for him was nothing. Anyways he was living near campus all by himself and with grandma. They are young so there wasn't much problem of them staying alone, anyways I constantly visited him and it made me very happy knowing that he was still writing. He never stopped writing but he never published any other book. He thought they weren't good enough for being published. I never have read one of his books because what I said before but I was pretty sure he had a big talent. As a girl he constantly told me about this greek stories, not like myths and legends but his own and he just made me love literature so much that I finished having a big inclination for books and reading. He once told me the story of my name, since he was from Greece, my father felt it was good to recognize where she came from, at the same time as I was born my grandfather published his book and now his dedication was for me. He surely was a great man. I was just capable to read the first part. It felt so weird reading something so familiar but at the time very very far away from me, from my world, form my own conformability.

One month has passed and sure I was reading the book and all the small annotations it had between the pages, from opinions to criticizing the characters. I took a long time to finally being able to read it. First I had classes to attend, exams to do and homework to hand in. Then David and I had more study sessions than ever so I didn't have time and the rest of my time was spend reading a book in my room or looking for a place to study. I feared going into the library in case I met with the owner of the book, not because it would be awkward but because I haven't finish the book yet and I'm pretty sure he would ask for it back. Now I'm heading to my English language and literature course. It would probably be my favorite and I really love how everyone has such a passion for it. Anyways today went well, we just had kind of a questions and answer class about the new book we are reading, as I was heading out I hear someone behind me talking.

"Kallista Z." The voice says, I turn around to find draco malfoy. Sorry draco mallet?

"Who are you?" I asked, maybe he really forgot about the book, please, please, let him forget about the book.

"I'm hurt. I Know you remember my name. Draco Melart." He says again showing his hand waiting for me to shake it.

"Oh now I remember you. Draco Malfoy right?" I enjoyed teasing people so much. "What do you want?" I turn to walk, if I wanted to arrive to my next class I would have to talk and walk.

"I want my book back." Damn, he really just ruin my plan.

"Ermm, I haven't finish it yet." I say quickly and a little bit nervous. I just failed my plan.

"For being a bookworm, I would have guess you read it all by that night." He says with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not a bookworm and why did you think that?" I say confused, was I so transparent for people to read me that easily?

"Yes you are and you are heading out of your English language and literature course and you are now heading to you Anthropology course, the only people who take that classes are bookworms." He says by my side, like it was pretty embarrassing to attend those courses. I am proud to attend those courses and to have pretty good grades.

"Are you stalking me?" I quickly ask him, he knew my name, my classes and pretty much my whole personality.

"No, I just want the book back." He responds calmly.

"Well give me a week and I'll hand it back." I say but he glares at me with a not so convinced face. "If you want to be sure I won't steal your book I'm always in the west library."

"But these last weeks you haven't.  Are you avoiding me? 'Cause I feel like you are." He ask stopping his walk and I stop with him.

"Bloody hell, you really are a stalker huh?" I really did need to be at my class in ten minutes.

"I'm not, Kallista Z. By the way what's you surname? No one really knows, not even in the administration office. Let me guess Zars? Maybe a latin name... Zaragoza? I don't know pretty difficult to guess." This guy is really annoying like don't you have something better to do?

"I'm surprised with the amount of free time you've got." I remark sarcastically.

"I'm an exceptional worker and well I had a lot of free time." He says almost embarrassed.

"I just noticed." I emphasize. "Look give me until next week and I'll make sure that it arrives to your hands?"

"Arrive to my hands? Won't you be the one delivering it?" He asks very confused .

"Well other people have a life and are busy such as I am this entire year so I'll make sure someone delivers it to you."

"Well I'm afraid if I do not get it deliver by yourself the book I have to take it back or having it the other way." He says with a fake smile.

"What's the other way then?" I ask confused, he just smiles. A devilish smile. Is Draco Malfoy Satan?

"Go on a date with me and all your debts will be payed." He smiles.

"You wish, you know. Have the book back." I take the book out of my bag. "You are just as annoying as draco malfoy you know?" I turn to walk away.

"Bye hermione. Hope to see you in the dueling club." Ughh he's such a git.

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