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"Hi, I'm Draco Melart. I can't talk right now. I'm doing hot girl shit."

That was his ringtone, literally the boy just said like hehe lest do it. It was half past two and he hasn't arrive, we are supposed to be on the airplane at 3. I just closed my eyes and counted to ten. If he didn't come, I would look like loser without a date or just telling my mom that I'm bringing someone and the person doesn't arrive. I decide to text the bloody ferret.

"Draco Niklaus Melart, you should have been here hours ago. I'm not waiting for you, I hope you have a good summer. Don't ever bother to text back because I'm blocking you." I text angrily but before I could send the text a whisper near bye ear says.

"Don't even bother to send it." I turn around and see Draco Melart in a hoodie, I've never expected that. The voice near my neck and ear send goosebumps all over my spine, it felt good but weird.

"COULD.YOU.STOP.DOING.THAT." I say angry. "Where have you been? I think all the stress you've caused me, just made me grow grey hair."

"Well first of all you know I'm very sleepy, I woke up late, I did some breakfast and came here. Checking in I realized you put us on some random sit and well I won't sit there and neither won't you." He says, then a voice says we should start going into the airplane.

"You pathetically fool, I don't need you to buy me things or do things for me. I'm fine in my economic sit." I say trying to go away.

"Anyways you can't, as I changed your sit someone else took it so you come with me or wait for some other fly."

"Passangers from the fly 19744, this is the last call for the fly to Boston," the voice said again. I sight and follow him into the doors that would let us in the plain.

"Ohhh walnuts." Draco say in his sit next to mine.

"It looks like you are one." I say checking my nails that needed an urgent nail appointment.

"Oh rude but sassy." He says checking the airplane. "I think we both will be having a great time in here." I didn't know if the comment was sarcastically or real, sometimes he's to kind for his own good.

"Don't worry, you are the only one." I say taking my book out of my bag. I took it with such facility because of the space. I won't admit it but this is too nice, it was big and elegant. They even asked us what type of champaign we wanted to drink.

"Ohh don't be such a wuss. Let's play something." He says taking my book out of my hands.

"You sound just as Allison." I say remembering our fight that broke our friendship, well not friendship, the... relationship we had.

"About Allison... is she into me? I really don't know because well she spends a great amount of her time with Bryan but she always flirts with me. I've just talked to her like 2 times, does she like me?" He asks me, I really didn't have the slightest idea. Allison and i haven't talked in ages and when we did it want about draco Melart.

"I really don't know. Now if you'll excuse me I prefer reading than talking about Allison." I take my book back with an angry tone.

"Okeyyyyyy. The let's ask each other things." He proposes, I look at him and see him smiling.

"Go ahead." I say trying not to regret it.

"Middle name?"

"Bella," I answer. "Worst year of your life?"

"2012, not good time for pictures." He says trying to look relived. "Mmm, last relationship ended?" He asks with such normality.

"I broke up with him and he called me a slut and then his sister did too." I say trying to forget that day.

"Uhhh, not very friendly. Who is this guy?" He asks.

"Edward, the brother of my brother's fiancée. And you just speeded two questions." I say.

"Oh my god this will be like an episode of keeping up with the kardashians. I'm so thankful I get to see this."

"Yeah, yeah. Favorite harry potter character?" I ask, the future of this travel depends in his answer.

"Umm difficult I will make a small summary. Harry is too idealized and too loved and he defiantly has a hero complex. Ron is too judgmental. Hermione in the book is just a wuss and in the book she's too know it all. Draco has his daddy issues and well he's not too kind. Neville he's kind of stupid and wannabe. Seamus is too stupid to create his own opinion. Dean too shy. Hagrid too Hufflepuff. Cedric too pretty boy. Cho too crybaby. Minerva too Gryffindor as Dumbledore. Lupin too extract, Sirius too livefree, tonks too sugar baby, mad-eye moody too scary. In conclusion Snape has the best sense of humor, that not all of us understand it is just stuffs for an excuse to hate him. The twins just say, I grew up to be them." He says.

"I think I'm in love with you." I say... obviously kidding. "I love the twins, is like I wanted my teenager years to be just like one day of them. You imagine being their friend, it would be amazing."

"Question. Which of them is more handsome?" He asks.

"Mmm difficult, very difficult. Fred is hot but George is cute. I don't know I think I prefer to die than deciding." Yes they were both handsome and hot so I couldn't decide.

"Good for me because I'm both." He says smiling. I roll my eyes at him.

"Okay question. If you could be one food for an entire day, which one would you be?" Please don't say pizza, I just can't imagine a pizza with the name Draco Malfoy.

"Pizza." I coudn't contain it, I laugh with tears al over my face and I just imagined it and each time was more hilarious. "What's wrong with it?" He asks with innocence.

"Imagine a pizza sayin: "hi I'm Draco Melart but you can call me Draco Malfoy too." I continue laughing but as I don't hear his laugh with me too I calm down. He didn't look mad, he looked happy.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"You are beautiful." He says immediately.


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