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Alisson helped me get ready. She just kept talking about this huge party in a house near the campus. I didn't really bother asking more about it, if I did Allison could basically write the Bible with her descriptions. Sometimes I ask myself how she can have so much knowledge in parties but she's to lazy with her projects and work.  At the end I looked rather nice. The black dress and my honey hair sealed over all. I was just about to take a book with me when...

"Don't you dare take that book." Allison huffed and throws the book into my bed. I could see how there was smoke out of her ears. 

"Now, my friends are waiting for us. Please try to be cool." She said almost begging me to be but what she never knew was how cool old Kallista was. But new Kallista preferred another type of fun. We went to the party in an awkward silence, I'm pretty sure Alison's friends weren't expecting to meet me. Anyways the ride was pretty short, the house was magnificent. You could read the word MONEY without being written in it. The house was elegant and classy, all what I ever fancied, not the money and all that comes with it more over the books it should have, the stories behind those walls, the paintings. We enter the house and as soon as I glanced my companions they were already gone. I looked around. It was so different from home, here you could see people having real conversations, as well there were other people as Allison and her friends who're talking if Bella Hadid is better than Gigi. No offense Bella but Gigi is an icon. Bloody hell, this house is bigger than my whole hometown, my curiosity manages me and lead me through different rooms where paintings and a piano were placed. I take quite and interest to the rooms, they weren't bright all, but dark and cozy. I analyze each painting as it was the most beautiful I've ever seen. In the deepest part of the room there was a painting, it showed a boy. He looked like he had no choice. The boy who had no choice. I knew that since that day I will be entirely fascinated with it.

I looked at other rooms that were very similar to the one of the paintings. Then in entered another room, it looked more like a hall full of books. From Tolsky to Austen, from history to fiction, from large books to small stories I found. I went to the classic parts. I could see different books but one that caught my attention. My grandpa's book. Hellish sins. It looked rather special, the cover was beautiful. As I opened it, it had a dedicatory.

Dear Anna,

Last night I found this word and it reminded me of you.


(n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never waste nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your heart.

You were my home even when you were never mine.

I love you,


I never had an inclination to love but this dedicatory made me wonder what was love? Did love really existed? Or was it just affection or need? All those question went through my mind, I wonder if the book had any other messages. I couldn't take the book, but I could ask the owner for it. I run to the entry hall as I look for Allison. She was besides some guy that was with his hand on her thighs.

"Allison." She rolls her eyes at me.

"What?" She asks annoyed.

"Who's the owner of the house?" I ask rapidly. If I was not wrong it was past midnight and as soon as I could take the book the better for me.

"A friend of mine. Why?" She asks looking confused, I could see how her companions was smiling. He looked like a good guy. Allison and I could have our differences but she's a nice girl.

"I just found this book and it's really important. First edition. Original. You know?" I had to lie, I couldn't tell her something like. "Because I'm interested in finding out the story form the owner.

"What book is it?" Allison asks.

"Helish sins" I say, she throws me a confused look. "You know, family. It's important." I say rapidly. She just shakes her head.

"Ryan could you lead her to Melart?" She asks to the guy who was accompanying her.

"Sure." Ryan responds. He stands and guides me to the deep of the hall into th bar.

"He is the guy with the leather jacket." I look over and see a familiar person. This guy was the problematic guy at Oxford. I just knew him because several times he came into the library and play a few pranks. As soon as I see him, my hopes of getting the book were under the floor. Ryan guides me through the busy hall into the bar where he was.

"Melart," ryan shouts from the other side of the bar. The guy comes to us.

"Hey Ryan, how's everything?" He asks in a rather cheerful cold voice.

"Good good and you?" Ryan asks. If he kept with the small talk I was going to be late for my good sleep.

"Excellent." He says and soon realizes Ryan is not alone.

"The party looks cool."

"Yeah, are you having a good time?" He asks at us.

"Yes. My friend here ehh-was having a great time in your library and she found this book she's really interested in. She was wondering if she could have it?" Melar looks at me. He lets a big smile.

"Have we been introduced?" He asks in a rather flirty voice. Sometimes I feel as I was in a book and him being the annoying git who isn't helping me be the best.

"No," I quickly ignore his hand that is waiting to shake mine. I don't believe you should touch someone until you rather know them well, or at least have met them. Even if I did it would only increase his ego.

"Well, I'm Draco Melart." He say confidently, I just internally laugh at his name.

"Isn't that the name of harry potter's enemy? Like Draco Malfoy?" I ask, I couldn't shut up before the words slip from my mouth. He looks kind of annoyed but even thought he is still smiling.

"And you areee?" He asks.

"I just want the book, I'm not going to take long. I will return it next week." I said annoyed, I really was waiting for my bed.

"Well it would be a pleasure to lend you the book and it would be a pleasure to see you again Hermione." He says smiling, git, really. I had nothing against hermione but I would prefer him calling me bimbo before that. It just reminds me of the old me.

"Hermione?" I ask rather confused.

"If I'm Draco you are Hermione. Have a nice evening." He says as he leaves Ryan and I.

"Thank you Ryan. I will head back to my dorm." I turn to the door.

"Sure, see you soon." He shouts over all the voices of the party.

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