Victoria secret angel

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I decided to take some time for my grandparents, last time I saw my grandpa, was more than two months ago and I wanted to catch up with them. In the end, they are the last resort of family close to me. My family back in my town was just my parents and brother. Dad worked in an oil empire near town and mom had this restaurant where she used to have all kinds of food and Anthony my brother is actually in his senior year in high school. I remember as a child having a pretty good childhood, I played with Anthony, Camille, and Edward. Mom and dad worked but had time to be with us, over time it all changed. Mom still haves the restaurant but she's pretty tired. Dad decided to go on his own to start his new empire and it's going pretty well but again he's tired and I guess Anthony is just a teenager. I heard he and Camille were dating and I was pretty happy. If Anthony is happy the I am. I love my close family but my grandparents basically form the girl you see now and I'm thankful they still advise and help me. I knock on the door where grandpa responds. His hands are full of ink so I suppose he was writing something but he never thought about publishing anything else than hellish sins.

"Hello, darling. Come in." He says as I enter the house. Today the house is full of lights and smells like ginger, it's cozy inside.

"Who was in the door, Thomas?" Grandma asks from the kitchen.

"Me nanna," I respond. I never actually looked carefully at their house. Each little space was full of books and pictures.

"Oh, Kall. Wonderful seeing you here. What brings you here?" She asks, I could feel how the ginger smelled was more concentrated on her.

"Nothing I just came by to catch up." I jump onto the sofa.

We spend the morning talking and catching up about school, friends (their not mine), and things we fund in these last few weeks.

"I heard from Allison it's a pretty good restaurant to go have dinner," I remember Allison telling me all after. She went with her basic group of friends and Draco and Ryan. I just avoided the topic and went to sleep.

"Wonderful, we should have dinner there tonight." Grandpa says smiling.

"Actually I'm busy tonight but next week works for me," I say trying to avoid the question that I feel is coming. Something you should know is I'm not capable of lying to my grandparents they just bring me so much joy and happiness I couldn't repay them like that.

"Of course darling, what do you have tonight?" Grandma asks, I think she's waiting for me to say like I have to study or I have some things to do in London but she would never wait for me to go on a date.

"Actually I'm going on a date," I say and both of them look at me with shock. "It's nothing romantic, it's just an agreement."

"Well, who is the lucky guy?" Nanny asks, I could see her face full of happiness and love. oh god how could I not tell her cute face?

"Umm, it's a guy named Draco Melart," I say.

"Oh wonderful boy, he was so excited when I mentioned you last time we were talking," Grandpa says.

"How, do you talk about me with boys my age?" I ask annoyed, something I hated more than getting set up was the guy of yesterday.

"Well, I mentioned you the last time I was there with his parents and just said you should go on a date with someone soon." He says calmly.

"So you got me on a planned date?" I ask incredibly angry.

"Well, not like that but I did advise it." He says it's the most normal thing in life.

"I don't know why you have to do that. You just need to stop setting things up for me, I can build my own way." I say in a louder tone.

"Well, it looked like you were having a little trouble starting but see how you are doing." He says excitedly. I just sight and grab my things.

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