chapter 11- the lighthouse

Start from the beginning

"Great." Kie says. "Dylan you're with me, let's go."

"Wait, what's the worst-case scenario if we get caught out here?" I ask, directing my question to John B.

"Uh, getting arrested i guess." he answers with a shrug.

"Ah shit, i can't go in." i tell the group, they all look at me confused. "Ok right, uh, i'm on probation." i say while shrugging.

"Okay then." John B, him and Kie already starting to back up and turn to the lighthouse.

"I'm gonna go work on my merit scholarship essay, and i'm trying to keep felonies to a minimum." Pope says walking over to the van as JJ takes out a hacky-sack and starts kicking it around. I walk over to a tree and sit down, my back resting on it as i watch Kie and John B hop the fence.

"All right, would you just shut up already?" JJ says to Pope just as i see him duck into the van.

"So, what'd you do back home to get on probation?" JJ asks turning around to face me.

"Ah you know, just your everyday arrest for public nudity." I reply, leaning my head against the tree and closing my eyes.

JJ chokes on his spit, coughing on his spit before replying. "I'm sorry your basic everyday arrest for what?" he asks.

"Public nudity.... do you need hearing aids or something?" i ask teasingly, opening one of my eyes to stare up at him.

"Nope, just checking to see if i heard you right." he says. "So, what happened anyways, you know, what led up to that?"

"Oh, just me and my friends being stupid and decided to go skinny dipping at night but then some couple was walking down the beach and saw us and called the cops." i explain. "My parents were not happy to receive that call that's for sure. kinda a low point to be arrested naked and have to have an officer take off his jacket for you to cover up with." i finish with a small laugh thinking about the officers mortified face when Jason tried to hit on him.

"Your joking." JJ asked with a face of disbelief.

"Well off course not blondie." I say with a smirk. "Why would i lie about one of my best arrest stories?"

he was about to say something else to me when my phone rang again, i pulled it our expecting it to be my parents because i haven't seen them in a couple days due to them settling in at their respective workplaces while I've been hanging out with the Pogues, but instead i found that it was Jason calling again.

"Hey babe!" I answered happily upon picking up the phone.

"Hey girl!" he replied back just as delighted.

"what's up?" i ask, curious as to say he's calling.

"welllll," he says drawing it out. "i'm coming and visiting next week!" he says excitedly.

"HOLY SHIT!" i scream jumping up from my place on the ground, receiving a look of confusion and a little bit of hurt from JJ. "Are you shitting me?" i say again to Jason over the phone.

"Nope babydoll, I'll be seeing you soon." he tells me in full seriousness.

I was just about to reply again when the sound of sirens broke my concentration. i look over to JJ to see him already moving towards the van. I start moving that way to, opening the sliding door and hoping in still on the phone with Jason.

"Should we wait?" pope asks once i'm in.

"No just go." JJ answers him.

"Dyl, Dylan, were those sirens. you can't get arrested were on probation." I hear Jason talking to me over the phone.

"Look babe i gotta go ok, i love you and I'll see you soon, ok?" i tell Jason over the phone, the vans driving away from the lighthouse and both boys are staring at me with curiosity now.

"Ok, i love you too. Don't get arrested." he say back.

"wasn't planning on it." i say with a smile. I take the phone off my ear and end the call. looking back up to see JJ looking at me from the passenger seat and Pope from the rear-view mirror.

"What?" i ask, curious to way they were staring.

"Who was that?" JJ was the first to reply.

"no one." i casually wave them off, laying back across the seat as i felt my heart rate go down.

"Yeah cause 'babe' is no one." JJ says sarcastically.

"Aww blondie, its cute to see you jealous." i tell him, looking up at him, giving him a wink.

he just rolls his eyes at him and sits back the right way in the passenger seat as we continue our drive to JJ's house.

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