Welcome back Kitten,

Sorry that I couldn't be there to greet you. I'll be out of town a little bit today. I promise I'll see you later.
As uninteresting as it is, we'll have to discuss how we're gonna be housing the other students that'll be visiting from Ketsubutsu. So after dinner meet me in my room and we can talk that over before lights out.

     I smile softly as I read the note in my hand. I'll be glad to see him. I think before folding it back up neatly and putting it in my pocket before walking back out after grabbing my Nighteye overcoat. Thanks, Shota.
    "Leaving already?" Hitoshi asks and I nod while changing into my shoes.
    "You know I always disappear every other Saturday," I state with a small laugh before I wave to him and his girlfriend before leaving the building as my classmates bid me farewell. "Don't feed him too many treats, Eijiro, Hanta." I hiss with a glare at the two boys as they pet my cat.

    "We won't." They chorus and I nod firmly before kissing the little kitty's nose and then waving goodbye to them.
     "THANKS, PINKS! I WILL! I'LL SEE YOU GUYS LATER!" I yell before I get in my car. Flowers. I think before I go to the florist not too far away.

     "Togata! I was wondering if you were gonna come in today or not." Axel, one of the staff here, says as they walk over to me with a smile and a familiar-looking bouquet. "Here's your normal." They say with a smile as they carefully hug me.
     "Thanks, Ax." I say with a smile as I admire the well-made bundle. "They look beautiful as always," I state as I nod to him proudly.
    "It's no problem. So how's UA? You're graduating soon right?"
     "Yeah. At the end of the month actually." I explain and they nod. "I'll be sad to be done with it." I say before I give a small laugh. "I mean I'll still be teaching there but it won't be the same as being a student." I state and they laugh.

     "Well, I wish you luck!" Axel says as they hold a thumbs up to me, their brown hair bouncing up lightly. "Now you better head out before you get stuck in Saturday traffic." They explain as they shoo me out.
     "Alright, I'll see you soon, Axel," I state and they nod before I hop in my car and drive away. Axel, you're always a nice person. I think as I start my long trip.


     I'm pretty sure she'll be coming today. I think as I glance around the large graveyard before I sigh. "Honestly, Oboro, sometimes I don't know where my head is when it comes to this girl," I claim as I lean my head back and look up at the bright sky. "It's almost as bad as when I'd have you trapped in my head," I confess before I close my eyes. "Love is so difficult sometimes. I was too scared to tell you my feelings. But then you died and I never got to tell you." I say as I run my hand over the cool tombstone. "I finally was able to get over you...and then I realized that I loved (Y/n)," I explain as I pull back my hand, almost as if I did something wrong.
     "After every shitty thing that's happened this school year...I realized that I don't want what happened to us," I state as I look at the kanjis neatly carved on the grave. "To happen to me and her." I explain as I sigh. I don't want to lose her like I lost you.

     Snap! I turn at the sound to see the familiar girl quickly trying to sneak away with the bouquet of flowers.
     "I already saw you, Kitten."
    "Ah, Shota! What a coincidence to see you here! That's interesting." The (h/c)-haired girl says awkwardly as she smiles at me.
    "You can quit the act, (Y/n). I know you visit Oboro." I say with a small smile and she looks down to her feet.

    "I know it's probably...weird...since he's your dead lover, kinda, and you just took me here once and-"
     "You're completely fine, (Y/n)." I say with a small laugh as I quickly hold her shoulders. "How was visiting Sasaki?" I ask and she nods with a smile.
     "Good. Talked for a bit while changing his flowers." She explains with a nod while gesturing to the dead flowers in her other hand.
    "That's good. So what-"

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now