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ND:  Sadly, yes. It might of been small to states with more battles, but it was huge to us.

Montana: But we killed that asshole. We won, but yeah, we still became states.

ND:  Not that we're not grateful, but it was nice being just native land

America: I've apologized, are you gonna let it go?

ND:  Meh

Montana: Yeah, I'm not one for grudges


Wyoming: Does Idaho have a problem with potatoes? I freaking love them. And yes I did get the privilege back, unlike someone

NM: *angry grumbling*


Florida:  Obviously mine. We are Disney World after all

California: Don't make me laugh. California's Disney is way better than some crackpot Disney

Florida: Hijo de puta

California: *offended gasp*


Alberta: My favorite American state? Either Montana or Idaho. And least favorite is Texas. He's so overrated and I get compared to him! I'd rather be liberal than be close to him

Texas: You wish you were as glamorous as me

California: If you call dust, desert and barbecue fabulous, then I'm friends with the other Western states.

Oklahoma: Pop off girl!

Texas: Shut up, panhandle asshat!

Oklahoma: You burnt piece of popcorn, come fight me!

Louisiana: Bitch, I'm in for fighting this asshole

California: So am I!

Alaska: *throws a hard cookie at Texas* Back off greenie

Alberta: Welp, I'm getting in that drama

Montana:  *grabbing his collar* No, he's my friend. He gave me cattle in 1866. Be nice

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