Period 🔴

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Your and Hela's bathroom
"Are you alright?" Hela calls to you from the other side of the bathroom door. You've been in there for quite some time, and the Goddess became worried.

"Fine, just cleaning up my bloody mess" You call back out

"Need anything?"

"Some of your Asgardian elixir, and for you to treat me the same" You call back

Hela nods, going off to find you the elixir that numbs your cramps but allows you to go about your day as if nothing is happening.

By the time you showered, and cleaned up, Hela returned with a vial containing the magical liquid within. You open the vial, drinking the liquid like it's a shot of alcohol. The warmth of the liquid going down brings a sigh of relief; pain will soon subside.

"Do you need anything else? Want me to get someone to run your errands so you can rest?" Hela sweetly asks

"Hela, you know I hate being babied when I get my period. I asked you to treat me like it's any other day. I'm fine. Let's go get some breakfast" You say

Hela smiles at you. You're her little warrior that hates being fussed about over things that need no fussing.

"This is why I love you dear; you love being loved, but you absolutely despise being seen as weak or vulnerable with things that people expect you to be weak with. Let's go get some breakfast, then we will do as our hearts desire. Wanna go kill something...or someone afterwards?" Hela asks

You smirk. Hela takes your hand, leading you out to start your day.

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