Bittersweet - Barista!Mikasa x Reader - {AU}

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Oh, how Mikasa just hated spring.

The flies and bugs that would come in the cafe every 5 minutes, and the kids that screeched and hollered and ran around the cafe, chasing one another as their parents had chit-chat with friends. To the thorns  she'd constantly get stuck with everytime a guy offered her a rose, to the sakura-tree petals that'd fly around in the sky, which made her traffic sight bad when she'd drive home. How the rain would pour down about five times and week, and where did everyone go? Not home, but to the cafe. And what did she hate most?

The couples.

Oh, isn't spring just a time for romance? The couples that'd come on dates to this very special cafe. She hated it when she'd come to take their order, and they'd be either talking, making out, or arguing playfully over who takes the order. She just hated spring. Kyojin Cafe was famous for it's nice workers and five star service, but this was just ridiculous. And as on cue, Mikasa groaned at another couple that came in holding hands as they entered. Mikasa was hesitant, but after about another five minutes, she walked over to take their order.

Currently, they were doing one of her pet peeves, talking all cute towards one another, not even aware of her presence. She took the chance to observe the two. The guy had shoulder-length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and had casual clothes. The girl had vibrant hair, bright eyes, and a cute smile. Mikasa blushed, but cleared her throat, scaring the couple.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry! I didn't know you were there," the blonde said. Mikasa shrugged and took out a notepad. "Welcome to Kyojin Cafe, how may I help you?" She asked in the nicest tone she could. Atleast they apologized. Most couples would either glare at her and tell her to come back later, or would casually but rudely take their orders like nothing had happened.

"Your tone's a little bittersweet.." the girl muttered to herself. Mikasa giggled and apologized, causing the girl to give off a faint blush. Normally, Mikasa would've kicked someone's ass for criticizing her, but she couldn't help it. This girl made her feel different than the other customers. "So's yours," Mikasa replied back after a while, causing the girl to giggle herself.  "So, what would you like to order?" Mikasa asked again. "Two vanilla lattes, please." The blonde said, as Mikasa wrote down the order. "Alright, can I get your names?" She asked.



Mikasa nodded and walked away, blushing. Even her name was beautiful! When she walked back to hand them their orders, she was completely taken back by the girl giving Mikasa her phone number. "Maybe she's interested in me..?" Mikasa smiled to herself as she watched her and Armin walk out of the cafe with their lattes.


It was a rainy, peaceful afternoon today. So far Mikasa didn't have to kill any bugs with a broom and then have to clean the mess by orders from her boss, she didn't have to rudely interrupt a couple, nor did she have to take any screaming children back to their parents. It was just a calm, peaceful atmosphere. However, Mikasa still felt as though something bad happened. She spent almost all night talking to (Name), and she seemed as happy as ever to be talking to her. But, Mikasa just felt as though something bad happened to her.

And as if on cue, she came in the cafe, her head hanging down as she sadly stared at the floor. Mikasa called out to her and waved, and she looked up, her eyes red and puffy, as if she had cried all the way here. She sadly waved back, but gestured for her to come and sit with her. Mikasa didn't hesitate before doing so.

"(Name), are you okay?" Mikasa asked, as she sat down. "Oh, Mikasa!" (Name) wailed, hugging her ravenette friend. Mikasa hugged her back, blushing slightly but was also very worried for her sad friend. "What's wrong?" Mikasa asked, as (Name) sat up and rubbed the continuously streaming tears from her face. "Armin moved today, all the way across the world. He broke up with me this morning, in hopes that we could still be friends.." She said, tears coming back again.

Mikasa did take notice that he wasn't with (Name), but never could've guessed that something this drastic happened. "He moved? Why? And why did he brake up with you?" Mikasa asked, resting her head on her hand, ready to listen. "He's going to go study at an art institute college, and it's all the way in Trost. He said he wanted me to expand my horizons, and not stay hooked up on him when he won't be here to be a proper lover. He wanted me to find someone that can make me happy in real life, not behind a screen on a video chat.." (Name) sighed, Mikasa too.

"How about you stay at my palce tonight? I get off at five," Mikasa suggested. (Name) smiled. "I'd love that!" She exclaimed. "Now, do you want your regular vanilla latte?" Mikasa asked, happy that she could cheer her friend up.  "Yes, please." (Name) smiled, and Mikasa walked away.


"Thanks for letting me stay over." (Name) said as she cuddled up against a very tired Mikasa. "No..*yawn*..Problem, (Name)." Mikasa smiled, and without thinking, kissed (Name)'s cheek, making her go beet red. "I'm going to bed, but you can stay up as long as you like." Mikasa got up, and walked into her room. (Name) later followed, climbing into bed next to Mikasa. She wrapped her arms around her, causing both to blush. (Name) yawned.

"Goodnight, Mikasa."

"Goodnight, (Name)."

Maybe spring wasn't so bad after all.

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