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A few months have gone by since I started working with Sebastian. I decided to stay in Atlanta until Spider-Man is done filming to spend as much time as possible with Tom before his schedule gets really hectic. Sebastian went back to his place in New York, and for the past few months I've been flying back and forth every time he needs me. I've also rented an apartment in New York, and as soon as Tom is done in Atlanta, I'm going to move there. I've already started bringing some of my things there and my apartment in Atlanta is looking emptier every week. Tom isn't too sure what he's going to do yet, but I think he is going to spend at least a few days in London before coming to visit me in New York. As I'm packing some of my things, Tom gets home:

"B., I'm back!"

I walk up to him, smiling. I quickly kiss him before asking:

"How was your day?"

"It was great! Joe and Anthony told us that we only have two or three more days of filming, so that was kind of sad." I pout:

"So that means that we'll be apart from each other kind of soon." He kisses me:

"I won't stay away from you for too long, don't worry. When I'll visit you in New York, I'll be so annoying you'll want me to go back to London." I roll my eyes:

"I've been living with you for a year now and I still miss you when you go to work, so I don't think I'll get annoyed any time soon." He grins before kissing me again:

"I love you." He pauses before adding, "so, what were you doing?"

"I was just packing some more stuff." He nods and says:

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! I have a date idea!" I smile:

"What is it?"

"Do you have any plans on December 17th?" He replies. I laugh:

"I don't know, that's in a while! Why, what kind of date do you have planned?" He laughs too and says:

"The kind that involves thousands of girls praising me and hating you." I give him a puzzled look and he explains, "it's the premiere of Spider-Man. Would you like to be my date?" I smile and shake my head apologetically:

"I'm so sorry, I would've loved to, but it won't be possible," he makes a disappointed face as I explain, "Zendaya called me 15 minutes ago and I already told her I would be her date." He bursts out laughing

"I'll take that as a yes." I kiss him again and the rest of the night goes by quickly.

Two days later, I'm at the airport, saying goodbye to H. and Tom. I say goodbye to H. first, who then leaves to give Tom and I a moment alone. Tom's going to stay at my apartment until he doesn't need it anymore, and then I'll start renting it.

"I'll miss you," I say, a few tears running down my cheeks.

"I'll miss you more baby," Tom replies, kissing me.

As they make the last call for my flight, I walk to the gait without looking back. I know that if I do, I'll just cry for the rest of the flight. About 2 hours later, the plane lands in New York. I get my suitcases and walk outside the airport, looking for Sebastian. When I finally find him, I get into his car. I greet him happily and he asks:

"Not too heartbroken?" I pout:

"I miss him so much already." He squeezes my hand:

"You guys will be fine; he'll be visiting you soon enough." I nod as we start talking about his schedule for the next few weeks as he starts driving. He drives past my apartment, so I ask:

Darling - A Tom Holland FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora