Chapter 17

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It's been a week since Tom, Harrison and I got back from London, and things couldn't be better. Since I got back, I've been pretty busy. I met with Sebastian and his lawyers a few times to discuss my new contract with him, and now that everything is settled, I'm officially his new makeup artist. Today is my first day, and I'll be following him to a few interviews he's giving here, in Atlanta. Sebastian asked me to meet him at his place so I could do his makeup before we leave, and then I'll be following him to do some touch-ups.

"Good morning!" He greets me. I smile at him and greet him back, before we walk inside, and I start his makeup.

"So, I haven't had the chance to ask you yet, but how was London? I heard that Tom went there to surprise you with his assistant." I giggle:

"It was great! The wedding was very nice, too." He rolls his eyes:

"Anthony's counting on me to report back to him about all the drama in your life, so I'm gonna need more than that." I laugh and reply:

"Really, there isn't much to say, the baby is due in about nine months, so now we're just starting to discuss names." I say, sarcastically, putting my hand on my stomach. He plays along and gets up from his chair and screams:

"What? Really? I can't believe you didn't start by telling me this! I have a few suggestions for names, there's James, Bucky, Sebastian, Sebby, maybe? Or Stan. Just don't go with anything that sounds like Anthony, we both know how Anthonys turn out." He says, laughing.

"Yes of course, I wouldn't want my child to end up with a successful career and a lead role in a Marvel series." I say, sarcastically. He laughs even more, and I tell him that his makeup is done, so we head to the first interview's set. We meet Anthony there, and I'm really happy to see him. We talk for a while until they begin the interview, which is live. I stay on the side, watching them. They're so funny together. I'm really enjoying the interview, until the interviewer says:

"Wow, you guys are on a roll today, you seem pretty happy. Is there any particular reason for that? Are you just that glad to be on this show?" They both laugh as Anthony answers:

"Well, this show's pretty cool, yeah, but I gotta admit, finishing to film this series has been very satisfying and I'm just so proud of it. Sebastian is unusually happy though, why is that Seb?" He asks, turning to him. Sebastian looks at me joyfully before saying, excitedly:

"Actually, you know the girl who brought us cupcakes on set?" He asks, talking to Anthony, who nods. He turns to the interviewer and adds, "she's a really good friend of mine" before turning back to Anthony, saying, "she's pregnant!" He pauses before adding, "shit, is this on live TV?" The interviewer nods, laughing. "Oh man, I don't know who she has told this to yet, so I'll just stop talking now."

"Well, apparently we weren't as close as I thought, because she hasn't told me," Anthony replies, kind of angrily. Can I just disappear right here, right now, please? I can't believe he said that I thought he knew I was joking this morning. Well, he obviously didn't. I can't hear the rest of the interview, because my phone rings. I answer to hear Tom asking in a half panicky, half angry voice:

"You're pregnant? Why did I have to learn about this from Sebastian on live TV? Oh, also, Zendaya says congratulations, and Harrison is saying I better be the father. But seriously, what the fuck, B.?" I interrupt him before he can keep talking:

"I'm not pregnant. Sebastian was asking me for drama about our trip to London, so I just joked and said we found out I was pregnant. I thought he realized I was joking, because I actually made it pretty obvious. Turns out he didn't get it." Tom stays quiet for a second before yelling, away from the phone:

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