Chapter 15

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When I finally get out of the airport, I try to find my mom's car. I have to admit, I'm kind of worried to have left Tom and H. alone in my apartment for three days, but I didn't really have a choice. Plus, they're smart enough not to burn down the place, or at least smart enough to know I would kill them if they did. I finally find my mom who hugs me as soon as she sees me, and we head back to my parent's house. Once we get there, my dad greets me, and we start talking about the wedding tomorrow. My mom is pretty excited and keeps saying that I should be the next one to get married in the family. No pressure. I think I'm glad Tom couldn't come after all. It saved me from a lot of questions and embarrassing comments from my parents. The rest of the night goes by quickly, and we all go to bed early since there's the wedding tomorrow. When I wake up the next morning, I am really tired, and the jet lag is hitting me strongly. To my greatest disappointment, my dad tells me they don't have any coffee in the house; they only have tea. Wow, Tom would've liked it here. I decide to go to the nearest Starbucks to get my morning latte. On my way there, I hear someone call:

"Brooklyn!" I turn around to see Noah jogging towards me. "Wow, I can't believe you're in London for the second time without telling me!"

"Noah! Hi, how are you? And I'm sorry, this was very last minute, I'm only here for 2 days, for my cousin's wedding."

"Oh, that's cool! I bet Harrison's your plus one? Last time I saw him was when... doesn't matter. So, is he here with you?" he laughs.

"No, he's actually in Atlanta with my boyfriend, neither of them could come. It's going to be so boring without them."

"Well, if you want, I could go with you, and make your night a little less boring," he winks. I playfully roll my eyes:

"I'm pretty sure you have better things to do than come to a wedding with me."

"Actually, life's been pretty boring without you, I wouldn't mind catching up. We used to have so much fun judging and criticizing people in these kinds of events." I laugh, thinking about my graduation, when we spent the whole evening rating other people's outfits.

"I don't know," I hesitate. Noah and I have a past, we used to be friends, then we dated, and kept sleeping together for a while after we broke up. He's always been a good friend and always knew how to cheer me up, but Harrison kind of disapproved of the whole friends with benefits thing.

"Come on, B., you know you're going to be terribly bored if you go there alone. I'm only going as your friend, I promise. And your cousin's kinda cute." I laugh:

"She's also kind of getting married today"

"I could always spice things up and oppose myself to their marriage," he replies, making me laugh even more.

"Fine, you can pick me up at 3 and we'll go together!" I say, when I realize that the only thing stopping me from bringing Noah as my plus one is what Harrison could tell Tom about what happened between us before I get a chance to tell Tom myself. Noah nods, grinning, and leaves to get ready. I finally get my coffee from Starbucks and walk back home. On my way back, I decide to call Tom, but get directly sent to voicemail.

1 message to Spidey-Baby 🤤❤️

Hi, can you please call me when you have 5 minutes (it's not an emergency)?

Once I'm back home, I start to get ready for the wedding. I take a shower, and wash my hair, before putting on one of Tom's shirts and shorts to do my hair and makeup. Once I'm done, I go grab something to eat.

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